San Francisco

dave spink toolset




New NFS Share Using Quotas

Determine based on host IP which NAS server interface to use. If possible, run a dfshares command from host to verify they have network access to NAS server. Then set a NAS Server variable, in this example we are using "server_4".

*nas server*
# server_ifconfig ALL -all
# mydm=server_4

*unix server*
# dfshares us-tameclr014450-tlsf01    ***example of data mover NIC interface selected

Set new share, size and pool. Review available space in pool.

# newshr=santeam
# mygb=1
# nas_pool -list 
# mypl=clar_r5_performance
# nas_pool -size $mypl

Select file system to use (review quotas assigned to fs).

# nas_fs -list
# nas_quotas -t -list -fs fs_dm4_01
# nas_fs -size fs_dm4_01
# myfs=fs_dm4_01

Create a new tree quota.

# server_export $mydm | grep $newshr
# echo $myfs $newshr
# echo "nas_quotas -on -tree -fs $myfs -path /$newshr -comment uxnbpr18"
# nas_quotas -on -tree -fs $myfs -path /$newshr -comment 'uxnbpr18'
# nas_quotas -t -list -fs $myfs

Set hard and soft block limits, first get node number. The blocks are in KB, hence this example has 1024MB file system hard limit.

# nas_quotas -t -list -fs $myfs 
# myid=1  ***this example only
# echo $myfs $myid
# nas_quotas -edit -tree -fs $myfs -block 1048576:819200 -comment 'uxnbpr18' $myid
# nas_quotas -t -report -fs $myfs

Create NFS share permissions. Note, if using server_4 the directory export file is /nbsnas/server/server_3. You can validate this by reviewing root file systems.

# nas_fs -list | more
id      inuse type acl   volume    name                server
1         n    1   0     10        root_fs_1
2         y    1   0     12        root_fs_2           1
3         y    1   0     14        root_fs_3           2
4         y    1   0     16        root_fs_4           3
5         y    1   0     18        root_fs_5           4
6         n    1   0     20        root_fs_6

# cd /nbsnas/server/server_3
# cp export export-`date +%Y-%m-%d`
# ls -l export*
# vi export
export "/fs_dm4_01/santeam" name="/santeam" root= access=
# diff export export-`date +%Y-%m-%d`

Export NFS share.

# echo $newshr $mydm $myfs
# server_export $mydm -Protocol nfs /$myfs/$newshr
# server_export $mydm | grep $newshr

Confirm export is visible and re-check share size before advising user.

*unix server*
# newshr=santeam
# dfshares us-tameclr014450-tlsf01 | grep $newshr
uxnbpr18:/opt/san_4145/drs/audit/ecc-0522> dfshares us-tameclr014450-tlsf01 | grep santeam
us-tameclr014450-tlsf01:/fs_dm4_01/santeam       us-tameclr014450-tlsf01  -         -
us-tameclr014450-tlsf01:/santeam                 us-tameclr014450-tlsf01  -         -

*nas sever*
# nas_quotas -t -report -fs $myfs

New CIFS Share Using Quotas

Determine based on host IP which NAS server interface to use. If possible, run a browse command from host to verify they have network access to NAS CIFS server. Then set a NAS Server variable, in this example the CIFS server is running is a VDM on server_4 called vdm01.

*nas server*
# server_cifs server_4
# server_cifs server_2
# server_cifs server_4 | grep "CIFS service"       ***check if CIFS on VDM
# myvdm=vdm01

*windows server*
\\USTPA3CIFS4450       ***example of data mover NIC this CIFS server uses

Set new share and pool. Review available space in pool.

# newshr=santest
# nas_pool -list 
# mypl=clar_r5_performance
# nas_pool -size $mypl

Select file system to use (review quotas assigned to fs); this example is using cifs_dm4_01.

# nas_fs -list | grep cifs
# nas_quotas -t -list -fs cifs_dm4_01
# nas_fs -size cifs_dm4_01
# myfs=cifs_dm4_01

Create a new tree quota.

# server_export $myvdm | grep $newshr
# echo $myfs $newshr
# echo "nas_quotas -on -tree -fs $myfs -path /$newshr -comment XYZ"
# nas_quotas -on -tree -fs $myfs -path /$newshr -comment 'XYZ'
# nas_quotas -t -list -fs $myfs

Set hard and soft block limits, first get node number. The blocks are in KB, hence this example has 1024MB file system hard limit.

# nas_quotas -t -list -fs $myfs 
# myid=2  ***this example only
# echo $myfs $myid
# nas_quotas -edit -tree -fs $myfs -block 1048576:819200 -comment 'test only' $myid
# nas_quotas -t -report -fs $myfs

Create CIFS share. Note, the first VMD you created export.shares file is /nbsnas/server/vdm/vdm_1. You can validate this by reviewing root file systems.

# nas_fs -list | grep cifs
2781      y    1   0     4576      cifs_dm4_01         v1
2895      y    1   0     4811      cifs_dm2_01         v2

# cd /nbsnas/server/vdm/vdm_1
# cp export.shares export.shares-`date +%Y-%m-%d`
# ls -l export.shares*
# vi export.shares
share "santest2" "/cifs_dm4_01/santest2" umask=022 maxusr=4294967295 comment="Internal CIFS Test Share"
# diff export.shares export.shares-`date +%Y-%m-%d`

Export CIFS share.

# echo $newshr $myvdm $myfs
# echo "server_export $myvdm -Protocol cifs -name $newshr /$myfs/$newshr"
# server_export $myvdm -Protocol cifs -name $newshr /$myfs/$newshr
# server_export $myvdm | grep $newshr

Confirm export is visible and re-check share size before advising user.


*nas sever*
# nas_quotas -t -report -fs $myfs

New NFS Share with Dedicated File System

Determine based on host IP which NAS server interface to use. If possible, run a dfshares command from host to verify they have network access to NAS server. Then set a NAS Server variable, in this example we are using "server_4".

*nas server*
# server_ifconfig ALL -all
# mydm=server_4

*unix server*
# dfshares ustpa3clr01-02    ***example of data mover NIC interface selected

Set new share, size and pool. Review available space in pool.

# newshr=econtent_wfp
# mygb=5
# nas_pool -list 
# mypl=symm_std
# nas_pool -size $mypl

Create file system, first check the file system does not exist.

# nas_fs -info $newshr
# echo $mydm $newshr $mygb $mypl
# echo "nas_fs -name $newshr -create size=${mygb}G pool=$mypl -auto_extend no -option slice=y"
# nas_fs -name $newshr -create size=${mygb}G pool=$mypl -auto_extend no -option slice=y

Create mountpoint and mount file system.

# server_mountpoint $mydm -create /$newshr
# server_mountpoint $mydm -list | grep $newshr
# server_mount $mydm $newshr /$newshr
# server_mount $mydm | grep $newshr

Create NFS share permissions. Note, if using server_4 the directory export file is /nbsnas/server/server_3.

# cd /nbsnas/server/server_3
# cp export export-`date +%Y-%m-%d`
# ls -l export*
# vi export
export "/econtent_wfp" root= access=
# diff export export-`date +%Y-%m-%d`

Export NFS share.

# echo $newshr $mydm 
# server_export $mydm -Protocol nfs /$newshr
# server_export $mydm | grep $newshr

Confirm export is visible and re-check share size before advising user.

*unix server*
# newshr=econtent_wfp
# dfshares ustpa3clr01-02 | grep $newshr
  ustpa3clr01-02:/econtent_wfp            ustpa3clr01-02  -         -

*nas sever*
# nas_fs -size $newshr  


Run df -k from requesting server to get an existing NFS share. Use the existing share to determine data mover.

*unix server*
# df -k
ustpa3clr01-02:/Stage_econtent_ind 20215136  1182008 19033128	6%     /econtent/ind
ustpa3clr01-02:/Stage_econtent_km  10331802  1726514 860528	17%    /econtent/km

*nas server*
# oldshr=Stage_econtent_km
# myfs=`server_mount ALL | grep $oldshr | awk '{print $1}'`
# mydm=`nas_fs -info $myfs | grep rw_servers | awk '{print $2}'`

Set new share, size and pool. Review available space in pool.

# newshr=econtent_wfp
# mygb=5
# mypl=`nas_fs -info $myfs | grep pool | awk '{print $3}'`
# nas_pool -size $mypl

Create file system, first check the file system does not exist.

# nas_fs -info $newshr
# echo $mydm $newshr $mygb $mypl
# echo "nas_fs -name $newshr -create size=${mygb}G pool=$mypl -auto_extend no -option slice=y"
# nas_fs -name $newshr -create size=${mygb}G pool=$mypl -auto_extend no -option slice=y

Create mountpoint and mount file system.

# server_mountpoint $mydm -create /$newshr
# server_mountpoint $mydm -list | grep $newshr
# server_mount $mydm $newshr /$newshr
# server_mount $mydm | grep $newshr

Create NFS share permissions. Note, if using server_4 the directory export file is /nbsnas/server/server_3.

# echo $newshr $mydm $oldshr
# cd /nbsnas/server/server_3
# cp export export-`date +%Y-%m-%d`
# ls -l export*
# grep $oldshr export > t.t
# cat t.t
# sed "s/$oldshr/$newshr/" t.t > x.x
# cat x.x
# cat x.x >> export
# diff export export-`date +%Y-%m-%d`
  export "/econtent_wfp" root= access=
# rm t.t x.x

Export NFS share.

# echo $newshr $mydm 
# server_export $mydm -Protocol nfs /$newshr
# server_export $mydm | grep $newshr

Confirm export is visible and re-check share size before advising user.

*unix server*
# newshr=econtent_wfp
# dfshares ustpa3clr01-02 | grep $newshr
ustpa3clr01-02:/econtent_wfp            ustpa3clr01-02  -         -

*nas sever*
# nas_fs -size $newshr  


Have requestor provide df -k output in order to obtain NFS server and share name.

246G    51G   195G    21%    /BatchImport      <---- increase to 500 m

Create some temporary variables - existing share, NFS alias name, NFS server name, Pool name and Increase size amount.

# oldshr=BatchImport
# dmsnic=ustpa3nsx01-nfs
# mygb=354
# myfs=`server_mount ALL | grep $oldshr | awk '{print $1}'`
# mydm=`nas_fs -info $myfs | grep servers | grep rw | cut -d= -f2 | sed 's/^.//'`
# mypl=`nas_fs -info $myfs | grep pool | cut -d= -f2 | sed 's/^.//'`
# echo $myfs $dmsnic $mydm $mypl $mygb

Check current size, pool space free and that NFS alias name exists.

# nas_fs -size $myfs
# nas_pool -size $mypl
# server_ifconfig ALL -a | grep $dmsnic

Extend file system and check.

# echo $myfs $dmsnic $mydm $mypl $mygb
# echo "nas_fs -xtend $myfs size=${mygb}G pool=$mypl"
# nas_fs -xtend $myfs size=${mygb}G pool=$mypl
# nas_fs -size $myfs


When the data mover detects any uncorrectable sector that data mover panics and marks the file system as unmountable. Since Celerra code level 5.5.23 there is a utility called Revector which gets invoked (call EMC and ask for it) when such a case occurs. You may have heard of the term Volcopy, the Revector is basically a more sophisticated version of the manual Volcopy process. Revector will zero out the uncorrectable sectors and provide the affected file(s) if there are any. The time taken to perform this task depends on the file system size.

Determine if there was a data move panic.

# server_log server_2 | more
# server_log server_4 | more

Determine what file systems are unmounted.

# server_mount server_2 | grep -i un
fs02 on /root_vdm_2/fs02 uxfs,perm,rw,
ckpt_fs02_schedule_001 on /root_vdm_2/ckpt_fs02_schedule_001 ckpt,perm,ro,
ckpt_fs02_schedule_002 on /root_vdm_2/ckpt_fs02_schedule_002 ckpt,perm,ro,
ckpt_fs02_schedule_003 on /root_vdm_2/ckpt_fs02_schedule_003 ckpt,perm,ro,
ckpt_fs02_schedule_004 on /root_vdm_2/ckpt_fs02_schedule_004 ckpt,perm,ro,
ckpt_fs02_schedule_005 on /root_vdm_2/ckpt_fs02_schedule_005 ckpt,perm,ro,
ckpt_fs02_schedule_006 on /root_vdm_2/ckpt_fs02_schedule_006 ckpt,perm,ro,
ckpt_fs02_schedule_007 on /root_vdm_2/ckpt_fs02_schedule_007 ckpt,perm,ro,
ckpt_fs02_schedule_008 on /root_vdm_2/ckpt_fs02_schedule_008 ckpt,perm,ro,
ckpt_fs02_schedule_009 on /root_vdm_2/ckpt_fs02_schedule_009 ckpt,perm,ro,
ckpt_fs02_schedule_011 on /root_vdm_2/ckpt_fs02_schedule_011 ckpt,perm,ro,
ckpt_fs02_schedule_012 on /root_vdm_2/ckpt_fs02_schedule_012 ckpt,perm,ro,
ckpt_fs02_schedule_013 on /root_vdm_2/ckpt_fs02_schedule_013 ckpt,perm,ro,
ckpt_fs02_schedule_014 on /root_vdm_2/ckpt_fs02_schedule_014 ckpt,perm,ro,
ckpt_fs02_schedule_010 on /root_vdm_2/ckpt_fs02_schedule_010 ckpt,perm,ro,
fs02_a on /root_vdm_2/fs02_a ckpt,perm,ro,
fs02_b on /root_vdm_2/fs02_b ckpt,perm,ro,

Determine list of volume ID associated with file system.

# nas_fs -l | grep -i fs02
45        y    1   0     254       fs02                v2
74        y    7   0     323       ckpt_fs02_schedule_ v2
121       y    7   0     323       ckpt_fs02_schedule_ v2
145       y    7   0     323       ckpt_fs02_schedule_ v2
168       y    7   0     323       ckpt_fs02_schedule_ v2
191       y    7   0     323       ckpt_fs02_schedule_ v2
214       y    7   0     323       ckpt_fs02_schedule_ v2
237       y    7   0     323       ckpt_fs02_schedule_ v2
260       y    7   0     323       ckpt_fs02_schedule_ v2
283       y    7   0     323       ckpt_fs02_schedule_ v2
306       y    7   0     323       ckpt_fs02_schedule_ v2
329       y    7   0     323       ckpt_fs02_schedule_ v2
352       y    7   0     323       ckpt_fs02_schedule_ v2
375       y    7   0     323       ckpt_fs02_schedule_ v2
419       y    7   0     323       ckpt_fs02_schedule_ v2
674       y    7   0     323       fs02_a              v2
675       y    7   0     323       fs02_b              v2

# nas_fs -i id=45 | grep rw_vdms
rw_servers= server_2
rw_vdms   = vdm02

Find volume ID in the logs that detected the bad sectors. Use this to cross reference (a second check) with umount file system above.

$ server_log server_2 -s -f | grep -i sector
2008-05-17 01:52:39: VRPL: 4:  Bad Sector PH registerSelf panicHandler
2008-05-17 01:52:39: STORAGE: 3:  Volume:254 affected by bad sector block:2144603296 repair state 2
2008-05-17 01:52:43: ADMIN: 4:  Command succeeded:  log sectors=131072 74
2008-05-17 01:52:44: STORAGE: 3:  Found bad sector 2144603296 on Vol:254 repair state 2

$ nas_volume -i id=254
id          = 254
name        = v254
acl         = 0
in_use      = True
type        = meta
volume_set  = v253,v807,v876,v1051
disks       = d96,d48,d102,d54,d328,d302,d99
clnt_filesys= fs02

Call EMC support as request a volcopy (or Revector) operation. This can takes many hours to complete. From the control station you can monitor via command line. To determine which LUNs are affected run nas_disk, the output is in hex hence 0065 in LUN 101. To see how many uncorrectables exist on a SP contains you can run getlog command.

# .server_config server_2 -v "volcopy display"
# nas_disk -l | grep d96
96    y     819199  APM00045101629-0065 CLATA d96           1,2,3,4
# navicli -h 1629_spb getlog | grep -i uncorrectable

When the volcopy is complete mount the file system, the data mover file .etc that tells data mover to mount on.

# server_mount server_2 vdm02 fs02
# server_mount server | grep fs02

Refresh check points if needed.

# nas_fs -list | grep fs02
# fs_ckpt fs02 -l
# fs_ckpt ckpt_fs20_schedule_001 -refresh
# fs_ckpt ckpt_fs20_schedule_014 -refresh
# fs_ckpt fs02 -l


Check devices not mapped and no masking entries.

# mysid=1384, mydev=1CED
# symdev -sid $mysid show $mydev | grep FA
# symmaskdb -sid $mysid -dev $mydev list assign 

A protection feature in some versions of SYMAPI disallows control of devices of emulation type CELERRA_FBA. Hence modify options file to allow mapping.

# vi /var/symapi/config/options

Set emulation type to NAS and configure.

# symdev -sid 1384 show $mydev | grep Emulation

# cat t.txt
set device XXXX emulation=CELERRA_FBA;

# symconfigure -sid $mysid -f fa_map.txt .... (preview, prepare, commit)
# symdev -sid $mysid show $mydev | grep Emulation

Map unused disk to FA, there is no masking required.

# symcfg -sid $mysid list -fa 7a -p 1 -address -available

# cat fa_map.txt
map dev XXXX to dir 7a:1, lun=20A;
map dev XXXX to dir 7a:0, lun=20A;
map dev XXXX to dir 10a:0, lun=20A;
map dev XXXX to dir 10a:1, lun=20A;

# symconfigure -sid $mysid -f fa_map.txt .... (preview, prepare, commit)

Probe to check devices are visible, is so configure.

# server_devconfig ALL -p -s -a
# server_devconfig ALL -c -s -a

If you receive an error about symlocks the quickest method to resolve is rebooting the control station. First check the control station status i.e. 10 and 11 mean up.

$ /nas/sbin/getreason
10 - slot_0 primary control station
11 - slot_1 secondary control station
 5 - slot_2 contacted
 5 - slot_3 contacted
 5 - slot_4 contacted
 5 - slot_5 contacted
$ su -
# reboot

Confirm disk is available after rescan task is completed.

# nas_disk -list | grep $mydev
1588  n      30712  000190101384-1CED   STD   d1588         1,2,3,4


Verify that the disks are not in use.

# nas_disk -l

Permanently remove any standards that were freed up.

# nas_disk -d  -perm

Unmask volumes from the vcmdb.

# symmask -sid $mysid -wwn $myhba0 -dir 04a -p 1 -force -celerra remove devs 025D:025F
# symmask -sid $mysid -wwn $myhba1 -dir 13a -p 1 -force -celerra remove devs 025D:025F
# symmask -sid $mysid refresh

Write Disable Celerra emulated volumes.

# for i in `cat hypers.txt`
  echo $i
  symdev -sid $mysid write_disable $i -sa $myfa0 -p $myfap0 -noprompt
  symdev -sid $mysid write_disable $i -sa $myfa1 -p $myfap1 -noprompt

Unmap Celerra emulated volumes from the FA paths.

# vi fa_unmap.txt
unmap dev 025D from dir 04A:1, emulation=CELERRA_FBA;
unmap dev 025E from dir 04A:1, emulation=CELERRA_FBA;
unmap dev 025F from dir 04A:1, emulation=CELERRA_FBA;
unmap dev 025D from dir 13A:1, emulation=CELERRA_FBA;
unmap dev 025E from dir 13A:1, emulation=CELERRA_FBA;
unmap dev 025F from dir 13A:1, emulation=CELERRA_FBA;

# symconfigure -sid $mysid -f fa_unmap.txt preview
# symconfigure -sid $mysid -f fa_unmap.txt prepare
# symconfigure -sid $mysid -f fa_unmap.txt commit

Change the CELERRA_FBA emulation to FBA emulation.

# vi em_type.txt
set device 025D emulation=fba;
set device 025E emulation=fba;
set device 025F emulation=fba;

# symconfigure -sid $mysid -f em_type.txt preview
# symconfigure -sid $mysid -f em_type.txt commit  


If the Web Interface doesn't allow you access, first clear the browser cookies then perform the following.

# rm -f /nas/tmp/*.fmt
# /nas/sbin/js_kill -f
# /nas/sbin/js_fresh_restart
# /nas/sbin/httpd -D HAVE_PERL -D HAVE_SSL -f /nas/http/conf/httpd.conf
# /nas/http/webui/etc/tomcat restart
# killall apl_task_mgr
# /nas/sbin/ch_stop

To stop/start Jserver.

# cat /nas/jserver/logs/system_log
# /nas/sbin/js_shutdown 
# /nas/sbin/js_kill 
# /nas/sbin/js_fresh_restart 


Determine mount status of share.

# mysh=tempspace1
# mydm=`nas_fs -info $mysh | grep rw_servers | awk '{print $2}'`
# server_mount $mydm | grep $mysh

Disable client access to the Celerra file system.

# server_export $mydm -Protocol nfs -unexport -perm /$mysh
# server_export $mydm | grep $mysh

Umount file system if required.

# server_umount $mydm -perm $mysh
# server_mount $mydm | grep $mysh

Delete Celerra File System.

# nas_fs -delete $mysh


First check the control station status i.e. 10 and 11 mean up.

$ /nas/sbin/getreason
10 - slot_0 primary control station
11 - slot_1 secondary control station
 5 - slot_2 contacted
 5 - slot_3 contacted
 5 - slot_4 contacted
 5 - slot_5 contacted

Check logs for date/time.

# grep -i "has panicked" /nas/log/sys_log*
# grep HBA  /nas/log/sys_log* | grep "Link Down"

Important...if a data mover fails over to a standby, the identity (WWN and IP) swap over. See the before and after view below for NAS servers. If you run "fcp show" for "server_4" in a faulted state you are really seeing "server_5" WWN. Keep this in mind when reviewing switch port and zone members names. Server_4 now has Server_5 WWN's as a faulted condition exists. You must know this when tracing back to fabric and ports.

# nas_server -l   ***Before fail over
id      type  acl  slot groupID  state  name
1        1    1000  2              0    server_2
2        4    1000  3              0    server_3
3        1    1000  4              0    server_4
4        4    1000  5              0    server_5

# nas_server -l  ***After fail over
id      type  acl  slot groupID  state  name
1        1    1000  2              0    server_2
2        4    1000  3              0    server_3
3        4    1000  4              2    server_4.faulted.server_5 ***no longer primary
4        1    1000  5              0    server_4  ***share location

# .server_config server_4 -v "fcp show"   		   ***WWN displayed belong to server_5
# .server_config server_4.faulted.server_5 -v "fcp show"   ***WWN displayed belong to server_4

Check the bind pending state. If status is "Bind Pending" then either GBIC or cable is most likely problem. The first part of our fail over problem was with a failed GBIC.

# .server_config server_4.faulted.server_5 -v "fcp bind show" ***prior to data mover GBIC replacement
Persistent Binding Table 
Chain 0000: WWN 5006048accaafcf8 HBA 0 FA-09db Bind Pending
Chain 0016: WWN 5006048accaafcf6 HBA 0 FA-07db Bind Pending
Chain 0032: WWN 5006048accaafcf9 HBA 1 FA-10db Bound
Chain 0048: WWN 5006048accaafcf7 HBA 1 FA-08db Bound

Dynamic Binding Table
Chain 0000: WWN 0000000000000000 HBA 0 ID 0 Inx 00:81 Pid 0000 D_ID 000000 Non
Chain 0016: WWN 0000000000000000 HBA 0 ID 0 Inx 01:81 Pid 0016 D_ID 000000 Non
Chain 0032: WWN 5006048accaafcf9 HBA 1 ID 1 Inx 02:01 Pid 0032 D_ID 745713 Non
Chain 0048: WWN 5006048accaafcf7 HBA 1 ID 1 Inx 03:00 Pid 0048 D_ID 744f13 Sys

# .server_config server_4.faulted.server_5 -v "fcp bind show" ***after data mover GBIC replacement
Persistent Binding Table
Chain 0000: WWN 5006048accaafcf8 HBA 0 FA-09db Bound
Chain 0016: WWN 5006048accaafcf6 HBA 0 FA-07db Bound
Chain 0032: WWN 5006048accaafcf9 HBA 1 FA-10db Bound
Chain 0048: WWN 5006048accaafcf7 HBA 1 FA-08db Bound

Dynamic Binding Table
Chain 0000: WWN 0000000000000000 HBA 0 ID 0 Inx 00:81 Pid 0000 D_ID 000000 Non
Chain 0016: WWN 0000000000000000 HBA 0 ID 0 Inx 01:81 Pid 0016 D_ID 000000 Non
Chain 0032: WWN 5006048accaafcf9 HBA 1 ID 1 Inx 02:01 Pid 0032 D_ID 745713 Non
Chain 0048: WWN 5006048accaafcf7 HBA 1 ID 1 Inx 03:00 Pid 0048 D_ID 744f13 Sys

If you look closely to the above output there is still a problem. Chain 0 is bound, however, in the dynamic table note that Chain 0 has no Sys devices. This prevents the data mover from failing back correctly and may result in data mover panic. You can confirm this by checking for online status and probe chain output.

# .server_config server_4.faulted.server_5 -v "fcp show"
FCP ONLINE     HBA 0: S_ID 737601     WWN: 5006016030603957 DX2
FCP scsi-0:    HBA 0: CHAINS    0 -   15 OFFLINE
FCP scsi-16:   HBA 0: CHAINS   16 -   31 OFFLINE
FCP ONLINE     HBA 1: S_ID 747601     WWN: 5006016130603957 DX2
FCP scsi-32:   HBA 1: D_ID 745713 FA-10db: 5006048accaafcf9 Class 3
FCP scsi-48:   HBA 1: D_ID 744f13 FA-08db: 5006048accaafcf7 Class 3

# server_devconfig server_4.faulted.server_5  -p -s -a
chain= 0, scsi-0 : no devices on chain
chain= 35, scsi-35 stor_id= 000187870195  celerra_id= 00018787019523D7

# symmask -sid 0195 list logins | grep -i 5006016030603957
                            	                                Logged On 
Identifier       Type  Node Name        Port Name        FCID   In     Fabric
---------------- ----- --------------------------------- ------ ------ ------
5006016030603957 Fibre NULL             NULL             737601 No     Yes
5006016030603957 Fibre NULL             NULL             737601 No     Yes

We confirmed the WWN are not logged into the array, although they have logged into the switch with valid zone members. Hence, the second part of our failure appears cable or port related. After blocking and unblocking the port the WWN logs into the array; note the Chain output now shows Sys devices.

# .server_config server_4.faulted.server_5 -v "fcp show"
FCP ONLINE     HBA 0: S_ID 737601     WWN: 5006016030603957 DX2
FCP scsi-0:    HBA 0: D_ID 734f13 FA-09db: 5006048accaafcf8 Class 3
FCP scsi-16:   HBA 0: D_ID 735713 FA-07db: 5006048accaafcf6 Class 3
FCP ONLINE     HBA 1: S_ID 747601     WWN: 5006016130603957 DX2
FCP scsi-32:   HBA 1: D_ID 745713 FA-10db: 5006048accaafcf9 Class 3
FCP scsi-48:   HBA 1: D_ID 744f13 FA-08db: 5006048accaafcf7 Class 3

# .server_config server_4.faulted.server_5 -v "fcp bind show"
*** Persistent Binding Table ***
Chain 0000: WWN 5006048accaafcf8 HBA 0 FA-09db Bound
Chain 0016: WWN 5006048accaafcf6 HBA 0 FA-07db Bound
Chain 0032: WWN 5006048accaafcf9 HBA 1 FA-10db Bound
Chain 0048: WWN 5006048accaafcf7 HBA 1 FA-08db Bound
Existing CRC: d73c2401, Actual: d73c2401, CRC Matchs
***   Dynamic  Binding Table ***
Chain 0000: WWN 5006048accaafcf8 HBA 0 ID 0 Inx 00:01 Pid 0000 D_ID 734f13 Sys
Chain 0016: WWN 5006048accaafcf6 HBA 0 ID 0 Inx 01:00 Pid 0016 D_ID 735713 Non
Chain 0032: WWN 5006048accaafcf9 HBA 1 ID 1 Inx 02:00 Pid 0032 D_ID 745713 Non
Chain 0048: WWN 5006048accaafcf7 HBA 1 ID 1 Inx 03:01 Pid 0048 D_ID 744f13 Sys

The Chain 0 was lost which meant the control disks were not reachable. We need to recover them, first probe for the devices and if that works configure them as follows.

# server_devconfig server_4.faulted.server_5  -p -s -a 
chain= 0, scsi-0   stor_id= 000187870195  celerra_id= 00018787019523D7
chain= 35, scsi-35 stor_id= 000187870195  celerra_id= 00018787019523D7

# server_devconfig server_4.faulted.server_5  -c -s -a

To fail data mover back, first check bound, online and chain status. Then issue fail over command.

# nas_server -l  ***After fail over
id      type  acl  slot groupID  state  name
1        1    1000  2              0    server_2
2        4    1000  3              0    server_3
3        4    1000  4              2    server_4.faulted.server_5
4        1    1000  5              0    server_4

# .server_config server_4.faulted.server_5 -v "fcp bind show"
Persistent Binding Table
Chain 0000: WWN 5006048accaafcf8 HBA 0 FA-09db Bound
Chain 0016: WWN 5006048accaafcf6 HBA 0 FA-07db Bound
Chain 0032: WWN 5006048accaafcf9 HBA 1 FA-10db Bound
Chain 0048: WWN 5006048accaafcf7 HBA 1 FA-08db Bound
Existing CRC: d73c2401, Actual: d73c2401, CRC Matchs
Dynamic  Binding Table
Chain 0000: WWN 5006048accaafcf8 HBA 0 ID 0 Inx 00:01 Pid 0000 D_ID 734f13 Sys
Chain 0016: WWN 5006048accaafcf6 HBA 0 ID 0 Inx 01:00 Pid 0016 D_ID 735713 Non
Chain 0032: WWN 5006048accaafcf9 HBA 1 ID 1 Inx 02:00 Pid 0032 D_ID 745713 Non
Chain 0048: WWN 5006048accaafcf7 HBA 1 ID 1 Inx 03:01 Pid 0048 D_ID 744f13 Sys

# .server_config server_4.faulted.server_5 -v "fcp show"
FCP ONLINE     HBA 0: S_ID 737601     WWN: 5006016030603957 DX2
FCP scsi-0:    HBA 0: D_ID 734f13 FA-09db: 5006048accaafcf8 Class 3
FCP scsi-16:   HBA 0: D_ID 735713 FA-07db: 5006048accaafcf6 Class 3
FCP ONLINE     HBA 1: S_ID 747601     WWN: 5006016130603957 DX2
FCP scsi-32:   HBA 1: D_ID 745713 FA-10db: 5006048accaafcf9 Class 3
FCP scsi-48:   HBA 1: D_ID 744f13 FA-08db: 5006048accaafcf7 Class 3

# server_standby server_4 -r mover
server_4 :
 server_4 : going standby
 server_4.faulted.server_5 : going active
 replace in progress ...done
 failover activity complete
 commit  in progress (not interruptible)...done
server_4 : renamed as server_5
server_4.faulted.server_5 : renamed as server_4

# nas_server -l
id      type  acl  slot groupID  state  name
1        1    1000  2              0    server_2
2        4    1000  3              0    server_3
3        1    1000  4              0    server_4
4        4    1000  5              0    server_5


To perform an fsck of a filesystem on the datamover, first determine which data mover the share is using. Only two fsck processes run on a single Data Mover simultaneously.

# mysh=shared_app_bea_wshintprddms51_53
# mydm=`nas_fs -info $mysh | grep rw_servers | awk '{print $2}'`
# server_mount $mydm | grep $mysh
shared_app_bea_wshintprddms51_53 on /shared_app_bea_wshintprddms51_53 uxfs,perm,rw

Run the fsck, please keep in mind, during the duration of the fsck (filesystem check) ... users will not be able to access this filesystem until fsck is complete. The fsck umounts the file system if mounted, runs fsck and then remounts.

# mysh=shared_app_bea_wshintprddms51_53
# nas_fsck -start $mysh -mover server_2
# nas_fsck -list
# nas_fsck -info $mysh


Recreating SSL certificate on Control Station.

# /nas/sbin/nas_config -ssl
# /nas/sbin/httpd -D HAVE_PERL -D HAVE_SSL -f /nas/http/conf/httpd.conf
# /nas/http/webui/etc/tomcat restart
# date


Run these commands for checking NAS status.

# nas_checkup

# tail -200 /nas/log/sys_log
# server_log server_2
# server_log server_4

# /nas/sbin/getreason
# nas_server -list
# nas_server -info -all 
# server_sysstat ALL

# server_mount server_2 | grep -i un
# server_mount server_4 | grep -i un
# server_export server_2
# server_export server_4
# nas_fs -list
# server_df server_2
# server_df server_4

# nas_pool -list
# nas_pool -size xxxx

# server_ifconfig $mydm -a 
# server_ping server_2 -i ustpa3clr01-1-nfs-t2

# .server_config ALL -verbose 'fcp show'
# .server_config ALL -verbose 'fcp bind show'

Run spcollect if needed.

# cd /nas/tools
# ./.get_spcollect
# cd /nas/var/log
# ls -l


Create file system, export, mount and create a file on Unix server. See NEW SHARE on this page if you need help.

# df -k .
Filesystem            	kbytes    used   avail capacity  Mounted on
ustpa3clr01-02:/santeam 1032560  103040  929520    10%    /opt/san_ns704

Create a checkpoint (snapshot) of the file system, call it Monday.

# fs_ckpt santeam -name Monday -Create

Compare the size of SavVol with the size of File System.

# nas_fs -size Monday
# nas_fs -size santeam

Verify that the checkpoint file system was automatically mounted to the data mover. Export the checkpoint so that you can mount it.

# server_mount server_4 | egrep '(Monday|santeam)'
santeam on /santeam uxfs,perm,rw
Monday on /Monday ckpt,perm,ro

# server_export server_4 -P nfs -o access=,root= /Monday
# server_export server_4 | egrep '(Monday|santeam)'
export "/santeam" access= root=
export "/Monday" access= root=

Mount the read only checkpoint, check contents and create some more files in the file system.

# /opt/san_ns704> ls -l
-rw------T   1 dspink001 other    104857600 Jan 14 03:35 testfile1
-rw------T   1 dspink001 other    104857600 Jan 14 06:23 testfile2

# /opt/san_ckpt> ls -l
drwxr-xr-x   2 root     root        8192 Jan 14 03:17 lost+found
-rw------T   1 dspink001 other    104857600 Jan 14 03:35 testfile1

From the Celerra retore the check point and view the file system contents.

$ su
# /nas/sbin/rootfs_ckpt Monday -R

# /opt/san_ns704> ls -l
-rw------T   1 dspink001 other    104857600 Jan 14 03:35 testfile1

Additional check points are created each time a restore is performed. This is to prevent an accidental restore overwriting needed data.

$ nas_fs -list | egrep '(Monday|santeam)'
2818      y    1   0     5171      santeam             3
2820      y    7   0     5174      Monday              3
2821      y    7   0     5174      santeam_ckpt1       3

$ server_export server_4 -P nfs -o access=,root= /santeam_ckpt1

# /opt/san_ckpt1> ls -l
drwxr-xr-x   2 root     root        8192 Jan 14 03:17 lost+found
-rw------T   1 dspink001 other    104857600 Jan 14 03:35 testfile1
-rw------T   1 dspink001 other    104857600 Jan 14 06:23 testfile2

Clean up exports and file systems.

$ server_export server_4 -P nfs -unexport -perm /santeam_ckpt1
$ server_export server_4 | grep santeam
export "/santeam" access= root=

$ server_umount server_4 santeam_ckpt1
$ server_mount server_4 | grep santeam
santeam on /santeam uxfs,perm,rw
santeam_ckpt1 on /santeam_ckpt1 ckpt,perm,ro,unmounted

$ server_umount server_4 -perm santeam_ckpt1
$ server_mount server_4 | grep santeam
santeam on /santeam uxfs,perm,rw

$ nas_fs -delete santeam_ckpt1
$ nas_fs -list | egrep '(Monday|santeam)'
2818      y    1   0     5171      santeam             3
2820      y    7   0     5174      Monday              3


Confirm data mover interconnects are already configured. The cel commands worked for remotely linked Celerras.

source# nas_cel -list
id    name          owner mount_dev  channel    net_path        CMU
0     ustpa3nsxclr0 0                     00019010138407EC
1     target        0                    0001901017480763

target# nas_cel -list
id    name          owner mount_dev  channel    net_path        CMU
0     USNYCZNSXCLR0 0                    0001901017480763
1     source        0                     00019010138407EC

Setup Replication

Source Site - Create file system, export, mount and create a file on Unix server. See NEW SHARE on this page if you need help.

# df -k .
Filesystem            	 kbytes    used   avail capacity  Mounted on
ustpa3nsx04-nfs:/santeam 1032560  103040  929520    10%    /opt/nas_2462

$ nas_fs -size santeam
total = 1008 avail = 907 used = 100 ( 9% ) (sizes in MB) ( blockcount = 2097152 )
volume: total = 1024 (sizes in MB) ( blockcount = 2097152 )

Target Site - Create file system via samesize option.

$ nas_fs -name santeam -type rawfs -create samesize=santeam:ce1=source pool=GFS_Storage_pool
$ nas_fs -size santeam
total = 1024 (sizes in MB) ( blockcount = 2097152 )

Target Site - Create mountpoint and mount file system. Note, the rawfs has status unmounted.

$ server_mountpoint server_2 -create /santeam
$ server_mount server_2 -o ro santeam /santeam
$ server_mount server_2 | grep santeam
santeam on /santeam rawfs,perm,ro,

Source Site - Configure the checkpoint.

$ fs_ckpt santeam -Create
$ nas_fs -list | grep santeam
24751     y    1   0     83785     santeam             1
24826     y    7   0     83871     santeam_ckpt1       1

Source Site - Copy file system contents to remote site.

$ fs_copy -start santeam_ckpt1 santeam:cel=target -option convert=no,monitor=off

Source Site - Start Replication

$ fs_replicate -start santeam santeam:cel=target -option dto=300,dhwm=300
$ fs_replicate -info santeam

Source Site - Configure another checkpoint.

$ fs_ckpt santeam -Create

$ nas_fs -list | grep santeam
24751     y    1   0     83785     santeam             1
24826     y    7   0     83871     santeam_ckpt1       1
24886     y    7   0     83871     santeam_ckpt2       1

$ fs_ckpt santeam -list
id   ckpt_name                creation_time            inuse full(mark) used
24826 santeam_ckpt1            01/14/2009-23:22:02-EST    y   90%        25%
24886 santeam_ckpt2            01/15/2009-00:14:40-EST    y   90%        25%

Source Site - Copy checkpoints incremental changes.

$ fs_copy -start santeam_ckpt2 santeam:cel=target -fromfs santeam_ckpt1
IP Copy remaining (%) 100..Done.
$ fs_replicate -info santeam

Test Replication

Source Site - Suspend replication; this may take a while.

$ fs_replicate -suspend santeam santeam:cel=target

Target Site - Convert file system to UXFS.

$ nas_fs -Type uxfs santeam -Force

$ server_mount server_2 | grep santeam
santeam on /santeam uxfs,perm,ro

$ nas_fs -size santeam
total = 1008 avail = 907 used = 100 ( 9% ) (sizes in MB) ( blockcount = 2097152 )
volume: total = 1024 (sizes in MB) ( blockcount = 2097152 )

$ server_export server_2 -P nfs /santeam

Target Site - Create a consistency checkpoint.

$ fs_ckpt santeam -name santeam_consistency -Create

Target Site - Remount as RW.

$ server_mount server_2 -o rw santeam

Target Server - Test File System.

# ssh us-nycznbpr001
# mount /opt/nas_2462
# cd /opt/nas_2462
# ls
hello.txt   lost+found  testfile
# umount

Undo Test Replication

Target Site - Remount all filesystems as R/O.

$ server_export server_2 -Protocol nfs -unexport /santeam
$ server_mount server_2 -o ro santeam

Target Site - Roll back to consistency state.

$ su
# /nas/sbin/rootfs_ckpt santeam_consistency -name santeam_restore -Restore -o automount=no

Target Site - Convert filesystems back to RAWFS.

# nas_fs -Type rawfs santeam -Force

Target Site - Unmount consistency checkpoints and delete.

$ server_umount server_2 -perm santeam_consistency 
$ nas_fs -delete santeam_consistency 
$ nas_fs -delete santeam_restore

Source Site - Restart checkpoints; this may take a while.

$ fs_replicate -restart santeam santeam:cel=target -o dto=300,dhwm=300
$ fs_replicate -info santeam

Clean up

Target Site.

$ server_umount server_2 -perm santeam
$ server_mount server_2 | grep santeam

$ fs_replicate -abort santeam
$ fs_replicate -list | grep santeam

$ nas_fs -delete santeam
$ nas_fs -list | grep santeam

Source Site.

$ fs_replicate -abort santeam
$ fs_replicate -list | grep santeam

$ server_umount server_2 -perm santeam_ckpt1
$ server_umount server_2 -perm santeam_ckpt2
$ server_mount server_2 | grep santeam
santeam on /santeam uxfs,perm,rw

$ nas_fs -delete santeam_ckpt1
$ nas_fs -delete santeam_ckpt2
$ nas_fs -list | grep santeam
24751     y    1   0     83785     santeam           

Restarting an In-Active File System.

Check the delta set remains the same and less than current VRPL. Ensure replicator share is inactive and that playback at target is active. If so, restart replicaton. The script will abort the replication and create a new one with default options, so do not specify " -o .....".

# fs_replicate -list
# mysh=UGPsapmnt
# fs_replicate -info $mysh
# fs_replicate -restart $mysh $mysh:cel=target


Enter the following command to check the events that are bound to sending traps from the Celerra.

# /nas/bin/nas_event -list -a trap

Set trap configuration.

# cat /nas/site/trap.cfg
snmpmanager ; communityname public
snmpmanager ; communityname public

Start SNMP daemon.

# /usr/sbin/snmptrapd -c /nas/sys/snmptrapd.conf -p 162 -u /var/run/ \ 
-o /nas/site/my_eventlog_messages.log >/dev/null 2>&1 &

Send a test message.

# /nas/sbin/nas_snmptrap /nas/site/trap.cfg -m /nas/sys/emccelerra.mib -r 1 -f 64 -i 5 -s 7 -d "test SNMP traps"

config_file_path = path of the trap configuration file
/nas/sys/emccelerra.mib = Celerra MIB file
trap_number = unique trap number for the event
facility_id = ID number of the facility generating the event
event_id = event ID number
severity_level = severity level of the event
description = description of the trap (up to 255 characters)

To determine which event trigger an action.

# nas_event -list -action trap

To see details of events.

# nas_event -list -component -info
# nas_event -list -component CS_PLATFORM -facility -info
# nas_event -list -component CS_PLATFORM -facility ConnectHome
# nas_event -list -component CS_PLATFORM -facility ConnectHome -id
# nas_message -info 91813642291


Create a VDM on server_2 and confirm root file system created.

# nas_server -name vdm01 -type vdm -create server_2 -setstate loaded pool=symm_std
# server_mount server_2 | grep root_fs_vdm_vmd01

Start CIFS on data mover.

# server_setup $mydm -P cifs -o start

Create CIFS server on your VDM selecting NIC interface to use.

# server_cifs vdm01 -add compname=vdm01,,interface=cge0-1

Join the domain, and check status. You will need administrative access. Also check NTP is configured.

# server_cifs vdm01 -J compname=vdm01,,admin=adminstrator
# server_cifs vdm01

Setup and Share file system. Create directory to hide ./etc and lost&found.

# nas_fs -name $myfs -create size=1G pool=$mypl -o slice=y
# server_mountpoint vdm01 -create /$myfs
# server_mount vdm01 $myfs /$myfs
# server_mountpoint vdm01 -create /$myfs/dir
# server_export vdm01 -P cifs -name $share_name /$myfs/dir

Test UNC path.

# /nas/sbin/rootnas_fs -info root_fs_vdm_vdm01


See the control station status i.e. 10 and 11 mean up. The are 4 x Data Movers in slots 2, 3, 4, 5.

$ /nas/sbin/getreason
	10 - slot_0 primary control station
	11 - slot_1 secondary control station
	 5 - slot_2 contacted
	 5 - slot_3 contacted
	 5 - slot_4 contacted
	 5 - slot_5 contacted

Type 1 means this is an "primary" DataMover, Type 4 means "standby" DataMover. Note slot # match "server_#".

$ nas_server -l
id      type  acl  slot groupID  state  name
1        1    0     2              0    server_2
2        4    0     3              0    server_3
3        1    0     4              0    server_4
4        4    0     5              0    server_5

See standby per data mover.

$ nas_server -info -all | grep server
	name      = server_2
	standby   = server_3, policy=auto
	name      = server_3
	standbyfor= server_2
	name      = server_4
	standby   = server_5, policy=auto
	name      = server_5
	standbyfor= server_4

The type of the DM in slot 2 now takes type=4, which signifies "standby". The type of the DM in slot 3 now takes type=1, which means "primary". The "server_2" name moves to slot 3.

$ nas_server -l
id      type  acl  slot groupID  state  name
1        4    0     2              0    server_2.faulted.server_3
2        1    0     3              0    server_2
3        1    0     4              0    server_4
4        4    0     5              0    server_5


To customise the way Celerra email event notifications are sent. Copy the default file.

# cp /etc/mail/ ~nasadmin/

Find the line in that reads.

dnl define(`SMART_HOST',`smtp.your.provider')

Using vi, change this line to.


Create and install the file.

# m4 >
# cp /etc     ***in 5.5 code
# cp /etc/mail **in 5.6 code above

Restart the sendmail service and send a test message.

# /sbin/service sendmail restart
# echo test from `hostname` | mail -v -s "`hostname` test only"
# tail /var/log/maillog


You may not be able to extend this file system; hence to manage verify the space usage by Jserver.

# du -sh /nas/jserver/

If the command returns more than 500 MB used, then this needs to be addressed. The js_cleandbscript is a tool that can be used to help free up the space.

# /nas/sbin/js_cleandb

Other options are basic find and remove files.

# find ./ -size +5145738c -exec ls -l {} \;


Verify if there is an NTP server is the environment.

# server_date server_2 timesvc stats ntp

As root verify and if needed configure the Celerra for the correct local timezone.

# /usr/sbin/timeconfig

Make sure the nptpd service is stopped.

# /sbin/service ntpd status

Make a copy of the original file. Verify you can ping the new NTP server(s).

# cp /etc/ntp.conf /etc/ntp.conf.orig
# ping
# ping

Use vi to edit /etc/ntp.conf.

# server     # local clock
# fudge stratum 10
server	# New NTP server
server	# New NTP server

Use vi to edit the /etc/ntp/step-tickers file to add the same NTP IP address.

Start NTP; once started it will slowly sync up.

# /sbin/service ntpd start
Synchronizing with time server:		[OK]
Starting ntpd:				[OK]

Make the setting presistent after a CS reboot.

# /sbin/chkconfig ntpd --list
# /sbin/chkconfig --level 345 ntpd on
# /sbin/chkconfig ntpd --list

Check the CS is now able to sync with the NTP server.

# /usr/sbin/ntpd -p


The EMCOPY.EXE tool provides a user the way to copy a file or a directory and included subdirectories from and to a NTFS partition with security intact.

emcopy \\ustpa3tlsfs01\tax_atx \\USTPA3CIFS4457\cifs_dm4_02$\tax_atx\ /o /i /s /de /c /r:0 /w:0 /th 64 /purge >>tax_atx.txt
emcopy \\ustpa3tlsfs01\testproc_share \\USTPA3CIFS4457\cifs_dm4_02$\test\ /o /i /s /de /c /r:0 /w:0 /th 64 /purge >>testproc_share.txt
emcopy \\ustpa3tlsfs01\procurement \\USTPA3CIFS4457\cifs_dm4_02$\procurement\ /o /i /s /de /c /r:0 /w:0 /th 64 /purge >>procurement.txt
emcopy \\ustpa3tlsfs01\design_docs \\USTPA3CIFS4457\cifs_dm4_02$\design_docs\ /o /i /s /de /c /r:0 /w:0 /th 64 /purge >>design_docs.txt