To document my commonly used "vi" commands. |
| |
:set showmode | ;see what mode you are in
:set noshowmode | ;turns this off
:set nu | ;show line numbers
:set nonu | ;turns this off
:set ic | ;ignore case on search
:set list | ;display invisible chars
:set nolist | ;hide invisible chars
:set | ;display all variable set
:set all | ;displays all possible vi variables and their current settings
.exrc | ;create in home dir, one cmd per line without the :
a | ;append after cursor
A | ;append at line end
i | ;insert before cursor
I | ;insert at beginning of the line
o | ;opens a new line below cursor
O | ;opens a new line above cursor
h | ;left one char
l | ;right one char
j | ;down one line
k | ;up one line
w | ;forward one word
b | ;backward one word
e | ;end of current word
0 or ^ | ;moves beginning of line
^ | ;goto line start
$ | ;goto line end
G | ;goto last line
1G | ;goto first line
:21 | ;goto line 21
21G | ;goto line 21
^F | ;forward one screen
^B | ;backward one screen
^D | ;down half a screen
^U | ;up half a screen
^L | ;refreshes screen
x | ;deletes one char
dw | ;deletes one word
dd | ;deletes one line
D | ;deletes to end of line
4dd | ;deletes four lines
:5,10d | ;deletes lines 5 through 10
5yy | ;yank a copy of 5 lines
p | ;put below cursor
P | ;put above cursor
:1,3 co 5 | ;copies lines 1 through 3 and put on line 5
:4,6 m 8 | ;moves lines 4 through 6 to line 8
:r file | ; insert file at line after cursor
:!cmd | ;execute command
cw | ;change word
3cw | ;change 3 words
c3w | ;as above
C | ;change line
R | ;replace word
r | ;replace char
u | ;undo previous cmd
U | ;undo all changes to the line
J | ;join current line and line below
xp | ;transposes chars
~ | ;change case of letter
:/fred | ;search forward for the string fred
n | ;next occurrence
:?fred | ;search backwards for the string fred
N | ;previous occurrence
:w | ;save
:w file | ;save to new file
:wq | ;save and quit
:x | ;save and quit
ZZ | ;save and quit
:q! | ;quit without saving
:wq! | ;save, quit and override read only
:.,+20s/^/aaa | ;from current line, for next 20 lines, at beginning of the line insert aaa
:%s/old/new/g | ;searches and replaces globally