San Francisco

dave spink toolset




For restores first suspend the tape to prevent a backup from writing data onto the tape. Place the media into a pool that won't be ejected during a vault session. The suspend command allows the tape to form part of the scratch pool once the expiration date is reached, whereas a freeze would prevent that from happening. Once the restore is complete move the media into a pool that forms part of vault ejects. See Netbackup Restore Scripts for automating processes.

Move media into a non vault pool.

Suspend media.

# MEDIA=800100
# aa=`bpmedialist -L -m $MEDIA | grep "Server Host" | cut -c15-`
# bpmedia -suspend -m $MEDIA -h $aa
# bpmedialist -h $aa -m $MEDIA  | grep SUSPENDED

Check status is 0x0. If the media status is not 0x0, cannot continue.

# vmquery -m $MEDIA | grep '^status:                0x0'

Get volume pool numbers.

# aa=`vmquery -m $MEDIA | grep "volume pool" | cut -f 2 -d"(" | sed 's/)//'`
# POOL=$aa

Deassign pool to scratch.

# vmquery -deassignbyid $MEDIA $POOL 0x0

Change pool to onsite (this is our non eject pool).

# poolVar=`vmpool -listall -bx | grep onsite | awk '{print $2}'`
# vmchange -p $poolVar -m $MEDIA

Set assignment time.

# aa=`bpmedialist -L -m $MEDIA | grep '^allocated' | cut -f 2 -d"(" | sed 's/)//'`
# vmquery -assignbyid $MEDIA hcart2 $poolVar 0x0 $aa

The media should now be visible in the onsite pool within NetBackup GUI. The media is suspended meaning no additional backup will ocurr. The onsite pool is not ejected via vault.

Move media from non eject pool to standard eject pool.

Check media is still suspended before moving out of onsite pool. If the media status is not suspended you cannot continue.

# MEDIA=800100
# aa=`bpmedialist -L -m $MEDIA | grep "Server Host" | cut -c15-`
# bpmedialist -h $aa -m $MEDIA | grep SUSPENDED

Check status is 0x0. If the media status is not 0x0, cannot continue.

# vmquery -m $MEDIA | grep '^status:                0x0'

Get volume pool numbers.

# aa=`vmquery -m $MEDIA | grep "volume pool" | cut -f 2 -d"(" | sed 's/)//'`
# POOL=$aa

Deassign pool to scratch.

# vmquery -deassignbyid $MEDIA $POOL 0x0

Change pool to one that forms part of vault ejects.

# poolVar=`vmpool -listall -bx | grep "Windows_OS_Full" | awk '{print $2}'`
# vmchange -p $poolVar -m $MEDIA

Set assignment time.

# aa=`bpmedialist -L -m $MEDIA | grep '^allocated' | cut -f 2 -d"(" | sed 's/)//'`
# vmquery -assignbyid $MEDIA hcart2 $poolVar 0x0 $aa

The media should now be visible in the Windows OS Full pool within NetBackup GUI. The media is still suspended meaning no additional backup will ocurr. The Windows OS Full pool forms part of the Vault process.


When the "bpexpdate -m mediaID -d 0" fails it's usually because one of the DB (volume, image and media db) has a problem.

Query the volume database on the master server.

# MEDIA=800100 
# vmquery -m $MEDIA

Query the images database on the master server.

# bpimmedia -L -mediaid $MEDIA

Query ALL media servers for the media database entry and reports on the host that 'owns' the media.

# bpmedialist -mlist -ev $MEDIA

Variants on the bpexpdate command to clear.

From the media database.

# bpexpdate -m $MEDIA -d 0 -host media_server -justmedia -force

From the image database.

# bpexpdate -ev $MEDIA -d 0 -justimage -force

From the volume database.

# vmdelete -m $MEDIA

The volume database may complain about the media still being assigned to a pool. The actual command to deassign the media uses numerics of pool and status. When complete the media is placed in scratch pool.

# vmquery -m $MEDIA | egrep '(volume pool|status)'
volume pool:           Offsite (4)
status:                0x0

# vmquery -deassignbyid media id 4 0


Query database to show media details of a pool.

# vmquery -b -p 8 -h uxnbpr10 | more
media   media  robot  robot  robot  side/  optical  # mounts/      last
 ID     type   type     #    slot   face   partner  cleanings    mount time 
000430  HCART2 NONE     -      -     -       -          15     07/10/2008 08:18
000470  HCART2 NONE     -      -     -       -          28     11/16/2008 00:03
000525  HCART2 ACS      1      -     -       -          27     12/18/2008 19:03
000670  HCART2 NONE     -      -     -       -          11     04/26/2008 18:51
000689  HCART2 ACS      1      -     -       -          19     12/18/2008 19:03
000693  HCART2 NONE     -      -     -       -           8     03/02/2008 01:23
000718  HCART2 NONE     -      -     -       -          17     11/16/2008 00:02

See how much data was backed up.

# bpimagelist -d 12/17/08 18:00:00 -e 12/17/08 22:00:00 -U | awk '{ total += $5 } END { print total }'

See cumulative incremental media used.

# bpimagelist -st CINC -media -d 12/17/08 18:00:00 -e 12/17/08 22:00:00 -U
Media ID   Last Written       Server
--------   ----------------   ----------
720858     12/17/2008 19:07   uxnbpr33
000011     12/17/2008 20:14
701559     12/17/2008 19:09   uxnbpr33

See media db, expiration, retention level, density, vmpool.

# bpmedialist -L -m 720858        
Server Host = uxnbpr33
media_id = 720858, partner_id = *NULL*, version = 1
density = hcart2 (14)
allocated = 12/17/2008 18:00:52 (1229554852)
last_written = 12/17/2008 19:07:27 (1229558847)
expiration = 12/31/2008 19:07:27 (1230768447)
last_read = N.A (0)
kbytes = 99739461, nimages = 52, vimages = 52 (MPX)
retention_level = 1, num_restores = 0
status = 0x202, l_offset = 389786, psize = 0, hsize = 1024, ssize = 0
vmpool = 8
res1 = 0, res2 = 0, res3 = 0, res4 = 0

See status of backups.

# bperror -backstat -d 12/17/08 18:00:00 -e 12/17/08 22:00:00 -U | more                                     
  0    uxhrpr57n     fs_ux_os_hr      Daily_2w   uxnbpr32    12/17/2008 18:02:13 
  0    UXSTPR02n     fs_ux_os_1800    Daily_2w   uxnbpr33    12/17/2008 18:03:02 
  0    uxdtpr54n     fs_ux_os_1800    Daily_2w   uxnbpr33    12/17/2008 18:03:23 
  0    ustpa3gtsbk20 fs_win_os_1900_s Daily_5w 12/17/2008 18:03:37 
  0    ustpa3abswh58 fs_win_os_intel2 Daily_5w 12/17/2008 18:03:41 
  0    us-tpadns012n fs_ux_os_1800    Daily_2w   uxnbpr30    12/17/2008 18:04:09 

See amount of data backed up

# bpimagelist -d 01/02/09 18:00:00 -e 01/02/09 22:00:00 -U | more
Backed Up         Expires       Files       KB  C  Sched Type   Policy
----------------  ---------- -------- --------  -  ------------ ------------
01/02/2009 18:00  01/16/2009    21912   307669  N  Cumulative I fs_ux_os_1800
01/02/2009 18:01  01/16/2009    34976  4940127  N  Cumulative I fs_ux_os_1800
01/02/2009 18:01  01/16/2009     9209  1164775  N  Cumulative I fs_ux_os_1800
01/02/2009 19:00  01/16/2009     6207    22779  N  Cumulative I fs_ux_os_1900
01/02/2009 20:00  03/05/2009   129349 19112369  N  Full Backup  fs_ux_os_inet
01/02/2009 20:00  03/05/2009   139422 20846925  N  Full Backup  fs_ux_os_inet
01/02/2009 19:00  01/16/2009     7888  2217331  N  Cumulative I fs_ux_os_1900


NetBackup uses it's own driver for communicating with SCSI controlled robotic devices, called SCSA (Generic SCSI passthru driver) or "sg" driver. The problem we experienced was that our device tree showed the correct devices, however, sgscan produced incorrect results. This document illustrates how the solve this problem.

Our sgscan listing is missing 7 tape devices. We need to configure sg.conf to resolve.

# sgscan
/dev/sg/c0t0l0: Disk (/dev/rdsk/c0t0d0): "SEAGATE ST336704LSUN36G"
/dev/sg/c0t1l0: Disk (/dev/rdsk/c0t1d0): "SEAGATE ST336704LSUN36G"
/dev/sg/c2t0l0: Disk (/dev/rdsk/c2t0d0): "EMC     SYMMETRIX"
/dev/sg/c2t0l1: Changer: "ADIC    Scalar 1000"
/dev/sg/c2t1l0: Array-controller: "ADIC    Pathlight 5000"
/dev/sg/c2t1l1: Tape (/dev/rmt/4): "IBM     ULT3580-TD1"
/dev/sg/c3t0l0: Array-controller: "ADIC    Pathlight 5000"

Determine your controller numbers, targets and LUNs. Use a mixture of tools - format, ezfibre, ls /dev/rmt tree. We had controller c3, target0 to pathlight switch A, ADIC robot controller, and 4 LTO drives. Our target1 mapped to pathlight switch B and 4 LTO drives. Then verify exists in your path statement.

# which

Change into the /usr/openv/volmgr/bin/driver directory and run the command. The -mt tag determines the max number of controllers targets to search. The -ml is for the maximum numbers of LUNs. These values vary based on the physical layout of your hardware. You must run from the driver directory as this is where sg.install reads files from.

# cd /usr/openv/volmgr/bin/driver
# all -mt 2 -ml 6
Created file ./st.conf.
Created file ./sg.conf.
Created file ./sg.links.

Modify the /kernel/drv/st.conf with newly created st.conf from script.

# cp /kernel/drv/st.conf /kernel/drv/st.conf-orig
# cd /usr/openv/volmgr/bin/driver
# ls ./st.conf
# vi /kernel/drv/st.conf
Place a # in column of each line of the seven default entries.
Insert the newly created ./st.conf into /kernel/drv/st.conf.

Detemine if the sg driver is loaded into memory and remove if loaded.

# modinfo | grep sg
 94 7820afbd   16ea  97   1  sysmsg (System message redirection (fan)
275 781b0ef3   302d 278   1  sg (SCSA Generic Revision: 3.4d)
288 7828a202   1eb8  49   1  msgsys (System V message facility)
288 7828a202   1eb8  49   1  msgsys (32-bit System V message facilit)

# /usr/sbin/rem_drv sg

# modinfo | grep sg
 94 7820afbd   16ea  97   1  sysmsg (System message redirection (fan)
288 7828a202   1eb8  49   1  msgsys (System V message facility)
288 7828a202   1eb8  49   1  msgsys (32-bit System V message facilit)

Run sg.install script to rebuild sg device tree and sg.conf.

# cp /kernel/drv/sg.conf /kernel/drv/sg.conf-OLD
# rm /kernel/drv/sg.conf
# cd /usr/openv/volmgr/bin/driver
# ./sg.install
Copied files to /kernel/drv and to /kernel/drv/sparcv9.
Doing add_drv of the sg driver
Removing old /dev/sg entries
Editing /etc/
Copying original /etc/ to /etc/
Added entry in /etc/ file
Made links in /dev/sg

Reboot with reconfiguration

# reboot -- -r

Running sgscan now produces the correct results.

# sgscan
/dev/sg/c0t0l0: Disk (/dev/rdsk/c0t0d0): "SEAGATE ST336704LSUN36G"
/dev/sg/c0t1l0: Disk (/dev/rdsk/c0t1d0): "SEAGATE ST336704LSUN36G"
/dev/sg/c2t0l0: Disk (/dev/rdsk/c2t0d0): "EMC     SYMMETRIX"
/dev/sg/c2t0l1: Changer: "ADIC    Scalar 1000"
/dev/sg/c2t0l2: Tape (/dev/rmt/0): "IBM     ULTRIUM-TD1"
/dev/sg/c2t0l3: Tape (/dev/rmt/1): "IBM     ULTRIUM-TD1"
/dev/sg/c2t0l4: Tape (/dev/rmt/2): "IBM     ULTRIUM-TD1"
/dev/sg/c2t0l5: Tape (/dev/rmt/3): "IBM     ULTRIUM-TD1"
/dev/sg/c2t1l0: Array-controller: "ADIC    Pathlight 5000"
/dev/sg/c2t1l1: Tape (/dev/rmt/4): "IBM     ULT3580-TD1"
/dev/sg/c2t1l2: Tape (/dev/rmt/5): "IBM     ULTRIUM-TD1"
/dev/sg/c2t1l3: Tape (/dev/rmt/6): "IBM     ULTRIUM-TD1"
/dev/sg/c2t1l4: Tape (/dev/rmt/7): "IBM     ULTRIUM-TD1"
/dev/sg/c3t0l0: Array-controller: "ADIC    Pathlight 5000"

Since the sgscan is working correctly you can now load NetBackup and run the wizard for configuring tape devices.


Unable to access Activity Monitor through Windows GUI.

# netbackup stop
# bbps -a
# bp.kill_all
# bpps -a

If all process are stopped check for hung queue(s). Under message queue look for the letter q with a number id OTHER than 1 (for example: q 258). Delete the hung queue.

# ipcs -a
# ipcsrm -q xxx
# ipcs -a

If hung queue(s) are gone start Netbackup.

# netbackup start


Logon onto control host.

# ssh sanadm@uxnbacsls2
# su - acsss
# cmd_proc

Query ACSLS.

ACSSA> q cap all
 vary cap 0,1,0 offline
 vary cap 0,1,0 online

ACSSA> q vol 713588
 Identifier  Status          Current Location        Type
 713588      home              0, 5,12, 1, 0         STK2P

ACSSA> q lmu all
 ACS:   0      Mode: Single LMU         Master Status:  Communicating
 Not Partitioned                        Standby Status:  -
 Port    Port State  Role        CL  Port Name
  0, 0   online       -          20
  0, 1   online       -          20  

Mount / Unmount a tape.

ACSSA> mount 713882 0,5,1,12 
Mount: 713882 mounted on   0, 5, 1,12

ACSSA> dis 713882 0,5,1,12 f 
Dismount: Forced dismount of 713882 from   0, 5, 1,12

Check Logs.

# uxacpr04:/acslsha/home/ACSSS/log> grep -i 713462 acsss_event.log
mt_upda_dm: Cartridge 713462, new location   0, 2, 4, 2, 0
cm_env_move[29887.667]: Volume 713462 re-entered into library to cell   0, 
Volume 713462 reactivated.

Robot STK.

# ssh sanadm@uxnbacsls2
# /SLConsolestk/RunLatestSLConsole
User - service
Password - sun8500
Library IP -


Check if deferred eject was run.

# cd /usr/openv/netbackup/vault/sessions/PWC_SL8500

If a vault job was cancelled, the media is placed in offsite pool (I'm not sure why). Run another inventory before attempting to start another vault job. This may take a while.

# /usr/openv/volmgr/bin/vmupdate -rn 1 -rt acs -acs_stk2p hcart2 -use_barcode_rules  -h

If vault eject not run then load gui, select vault management, click schedule, right click start to start a deferred eject. Alternatively from CLI.

# vltrun Daily_SL8500 
# ps -ef | grep -i vlt
# cd /usr/openv/netbackup/vault/sessions/PWC_SL8500

When vault complete, via GUI right click deferred eject to see list of options.


Set TCP/IP Buffer Size on media servers and all clients.

# echo "65536" > /usr/openv/netbackup/NET_BUFFER_SZ

Set the Data Buffer Size & Number of Data Buffers. The Media server uses shared memory between network and tape drive. The Data buffer size must not exceed tape I/O (LTO handle 256Kb), represent as 262144 (256 * 1024). Therefore "tape block size" and "shared data buffer size" are synonymous.

# echo "262144" > /usr/openv/netbackup/db/config/SIZE_DATA_BUFFERS
# echo "64" > /usr/openv/netbackup/db/config/NUMBER_DATA_BUFFERS

Calculate amount of "shared memory" used by Netbackup as (number_data_buffers * size_data_buffers) * number of tape drives * max multiplexing setting).

(262144 * 64 ) * 8 * 4 = 512Mb
(262144 * 16 ) * 8 * 4 = 128Mb

The bptm Log contains details on bptm child process that reads data from client into shared memory buffers. The bptm parent process writes data from shared memory buffers to tape drive. See messages like "waited for full buffer.." plenty of buffer space available, "waited for empty buffer.." running out of buffers, "delayed n time.." waiting for buffer to become available.



Via GUI requires trusted unix clients, or install via software distribution to client.

master# /usr/openv/netbackup/bin/install_client_files ftp d1de0199 spi0004 
client# sh /tmp/bp/bin/client_config

Upgrade Clients

Verify there are no active backups or restores.

# /usr/openv/netbackup/bin/bpps | grep -v bpjava-susvc

Stop master server listener.

# /usr/openv/netbackup/bin/admincmd/bprdreq -terminate

Create a client list file and update.

# vi t.txt
"Solaris  Solaris8"

# /usr/openv/netbackup/bin/update_clients -ClientList t.txt

Start NetBackup and Media Server daemons.

# /usr/openv/volmgr/bin/ltid
# /usr/openv/netbackup/bin/initbprd

To see all active policies and clients.

# change into policy directory and create a list of policies
cd /usr/openv/netbackup/db/class
ls > t.t

# get list of active policies
for i in `cat t.t`
bpplinfo $i -L | grep "Active" | grep yes > /dev/null
if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then
echo $i >> /tmp/activepolicy.txt

# get list of in-active policies
for i in `cat t.t`
bpplinfo $i -L | grep "Active" | grep yes > /dev/null
if [ $? -eq 1 ]; then
echo $i >> /tmp/activeNOpolicy.txt

# for active policies get the clients
for i in `cat /tmp/activepolicy.txt`
echo $i >> /tmp/activeclients.txt
bpplclients $i -L | awk '{print $2}' >> /tmp/activeclients.txt
echo "" >> /tmp/activeclients.txt

# sort and remove duplicates
sort -u uxnbmaster4-activeclients.txt > t.t  
mv t.t activeclients-uniq.txt


Authorisation File ( /usr/openv/java/auth.conf )

helpdesk ADMIN=DM+AM

Authorisation Details.

ALL - admin for all
AM  - activity monitor
BPM - backup policy mgnt
BAR - backup, archive, restore
JBP - backup, archive, restore
CAT - catalog
DM  - device monitor
HPD - host properties
MM  - media management
REP - reports
SUM - storage unit management
*   - any user provided they're in /etc/passwd

Authorisation JBP Values.

ENDUSER - allows restores
BU      - allows backup
ARC     - allows archive backup (also needs BU)
RAWPART - allows raw partition restore
ALL     - all above, plus restoring to different client


Client Attributes (Master Server Host Properties - client attributes tab). Select "No Connect-Back" meaning don't used random port, use vnetd port i.e. server connect to bpcd (13782) and responds from vnetd (13724). Then allow vnetd port through firewall.

Enable vnetd using CLI

# bpclient -add -client $SERVER -no_callback 1 -current_host $SERVER -WOFB_enabled 0


Client with Multiple Interfaces.

client hostA and hostA-1
server receives client ip
server performs gethostbyaddr() and checks client exists
server receives client ip
server performs gethostbyaddr() and checks client does not exist
solution: REQUIRED_INTERFACE = hostA

Server with Multiple Interfaces.

server hostA and hostA-1
client receives server ip
client performs gethostbyaddr() matches SERVER in bp.conf
client receives server ip
client performs gethostbyaddr() does not match SERVER in bp.conf
solution: REQUIRED_INTERFACE = hostA

Master Server with Multiple Networks.

master server eth0 jupiter 10.140.128.x
master server eth1 meteor 10.150.137.x
clients on 10.150.137.x have SERVER=meteor in bp.conf
clients on 10.140.128.x have SERVER=jupiter in bp.conf


Moving Catalogs if Disk Space Full.

  1. check no jobs, terminate daemons
  2. create new images directory /disk3/netbackup/db/images
  3. move catalog to new location
  4. create symlink /usr/openv/netbackup/db/images to /disk3/netbackup/db/images
  5. add alternative location to netbackup catalog backup


Force Alternate Media Server Restore.

We changed drive types 9940B to LTO4. Several months later the client needed to restore files and netbackup sent the restore to the original media server. The problem was we didn't have any 9940B drives on that media server. Hence, the quick fix was to force the restore over to another media server that contained the 9940B drives.

# vi /usr/openv/netbackup/bp.conf
FORCE_RESTORE_MEDIA_SERVER = uxnbpr30 uxnbpr32


Error 5 cannot read image from media id 713882, drive index 2, I/O error.

Check the media server drive status. See extract from restore log "granted resource 0_2_1_13_9940B" and "media server:"

# vmquery -m 713882
# vmoprcmd -h uxnbpr26 -d
Drv Type   Control  User      Label  RecMID  ExtMID  Ready   Wr.Enbl.  ReqId
  0 hcart2   ACS                -                     No       -         0
  1 hcart2   ACS                -                     No       -         0
  2 hcart2   ACS                -                     No       -         0
  3 hcart2   ACS                -                     No       -         0

Drv DriveName            Shared    Assigned        Comment
  0 0_3_1_12_9940B        Yes      -
  1 0_0_1_13_9940B        Yes      -
  2 0_2_1_13_9940B        No       -
  3 0_5_1_12_9940B        No       -

Log into ACSLS and try mounting tape into another drive.

ACSSA> mount 713882 0,5,1,12 
Mount: 713882 mounted on   0, 5, 1,12

Confirm via OS that tape was loaded.

# tpconfig -d
Id  DriveName           Type   Residence
      Drive Path                                                       Status
0   0_3_1_12_9940B       hcart2 ACS(0)  ACS=0, LSM=3, PANEL=1, DRIVE=12
      /dev/rmt/0cbn                                                    UP
1   0_0_1_13_9940B       hcart2 ACS(0)  ACS=0, LSM=0, PANEL=1, DRIVE=13
      /dev/rmt/2cbn                                                    UP
2   0_2_1_13_9940B       hcart2 ACS(0)  ACS=0, LSM=2, PANEL=1, DRIVE=13
      /dev/rmt/1cbn                                                    UP
3   0_5_1_12_9940B       hcart2 ACS(0)  ACS=0, LSM=5, PANEL=1, DRIVE=12
      /dev/rmt/3cbn                                                    UP
# mt -f /dev/rmt/3cbn status
StorageTek 9940B tape drive:
   sense key(0x0)= No Additional Sense   residual= 0   retries= 0
   file no= 0   block no= 0

Umount tape via ACSLS and check OS no longer sees it mounted.

ACSSA> dis 713882 0,5,1,12 f 
Dismount: Forced dismount of 713882 from   0, 5, 1,12

# mt -f /dev/rmt/3cbn status
/dev/rmt/3cbn: no tape loaded or drive offline

Down the suspected problem drive. See jobs details for drive index used.

# vmoprcmd -down 2
# vmoprcmd -h uxnbpr26 -d

Resume restore job in NetBackup.

the requested operation was successfully completd (0)


If the restore fails even after trying the procedure above you can confirm the image state. The restore job log contains the image number needed for bpverify, for example "restoring from image ustpa3tlsno27.nam.pwcinternal.com_1267749978". Note, a bpverify can take a very long time to complete.

# bpverify -v -backupid ustpa3tlsno27.nam.pwcinternal.com_1267749978
Verify started Sat Mar 06 13:14:14 2010
INF - Verifying policy fs_wintel_1900, schedule Daily_1m (ustpa3tlsno27.nam.pwcinternal.com_1267749978)
media id 707001, created 03/04/2010 19:46:18.