dave spink toolset |
FTP MOVERFTP doesn't issue a file lock, and we had external customers sending files 24 * 7. We needed a method to first check a file wasn't being FTP'd by a customer before moving the file for internal processing. #!/bin/ksh # # Purpose: Tests if files are being FTP'd by a customer before moving them into a collection area for ehub. # Created by: David Spink # Create Date: Feb 20, 2003 # cd /export/ftp for FILER in `find ./pubftp/*/inbound -type f` do fuser $FILER 2>&1 | awk -F: '{print $2}' | grep "[0-9][0-9]o$" if [ $? -eq 1 ] then myfile=`basename $FILER` mydir=`dirname $FILER | sed "s/pubftp/ehubgate/"` mkdir -p $mydir mv -f $FILER $mydir chown ehubgate:ehubftp $mydir chown ehubgate:ehubftp $mydir/$myfile fi done DMX GORUNTo quickly and repeatedly without error provision storage on a DMX. The script automates creation of metas, hyper selection, maps to FA, masks VCM, and displays results. gorun.sh #!/bin/ksh echo mysid $mysid myhost $myhost #metas echo "metas y/n: \c" read ans if [ $ans = "y" -o $ans = "Y" ]; then echo "elected to make metas" gometa.sh echo "Proceed y/n: \c" read ans if [ $ans = "n" -o $ans = "N" ]; then echo "elected not to proceed" exit fi fi #hypers echo "hypers y/n: \c" read ans if [ $ans = "y" -o $ans = "Y" ]; then echo "elected to get hypers" gohype.sh echo "Proceed y/n: \c" read ans if [ $ans = "n" -o $ans = "N" ]; then echo "elected not to proceed" exit fi fi #scsi3 echo "Set SCSI-3 y/n: \c" read ans if [ $ans = "y" -o $ans = "Y" ]; then echo "elected to set SCSI-3" for i in `cat hypers.txt` do echo "set dev $i attribute=SCSI3_persist_reserv;" >> on_scsi3.txt done echo "elected to set SCSI-3" sudo symconfigure -sid $mysid -f on_scsi3.txt preview -noprompt sudo symconfigure -sid $mysid -f on_scsi3.txt prepare -noprompt sudo symconfigure -sid $mysid -f on_scsi3.txt commit -noprompt fi #map echo "map" map_file.sh > fa_map.txt cat fa_map.txt echo "Proceed y/n: \c" read ans if [ $ans = "n" -o $ans = "N" ]; then echo "elected not to proceed" exit fi sudo symconfigure -sid $mysid -f fa_map.txt preview -noprompt sudo symconfigure -sid $mysid -f fa_map.txt prepare -noprompt sudo symconfigure -sid $mysid -f fa_map.txt commit -noprompt for i in `cat hypers.txt` do echo $i sudo symdev -sid $mysid show $i | egrep '(FA |WD| NR)' done echo "Proceed y/n: \c" read ans if [ $ans = "n" -o $ans = "N" ]; then echo "elected not to proceed" exit fi #mask sudo symmaskdb -sid $mysid list database > vcm_pre.txt echo "check hyper not already in vcmdb" for i in `cat hypers.txt` do echo $i grep $i vcm_pre.txt done echo "Proceed y/n: \c" read ans if [ $ans = "n" -o $ans = "N" ]; then echo "elected not to proceed" exit fi . mydevs.sh export mydevs mask_file.sh > mask_file.txt cat mask_file.txt echo "Proceed y/n: \c" read ans if [ $ans = "n" -o $ans = "N" ]; then echo "elected not to proceed" exit fi chmod u+x mask_file.txt echo "masking" ./mask_file.txt chmod u-x mask_file.txt mask_check.sh echo "Label VCM y/n: \c" read ans if [ $ans = "y" -o $ans = "Y" ]; then echo "elected to label" mask_label.sh > mask_label.txt cat mask_label.txt chmod u+x mask_label.txt echo "label" ./mask_label.txt chmod u-x mask_label.txt fi sudo symmaskdb -sid $mysid list capacity -host $myhost > capt_${myhost}.txt for i in `cat hypers.txt` do echo $i grep $i capt_${myhost}.txt done sudo symmask -sid $mysid refresh mask_display.sh DMX METAThe "gometa.sh" script builds metas. It requires a "cusreq.txt" file that contains type, size, and qty. This script extracts the meta definitions and selects unused devices from the array. It first displays the devices so that you can check attributes. It then builds the number of metas based on member needs defined in "cusmet.txt". Ensure your cusreq.txt file exists. # cat cusreq.txt hyper 3375 10 hyper 30713 8 hyper 61425 4 meta 30713 12 Ensure your cusmet.txt file exists, for example, two metas will be created one 8 way and other 4 way. # cat cusmet.txt 30713 8 30713 4 gometa.sh #!/bin/ksh # mysid=XXXX # Get unused hypers rm hypers-tmp.txt > /dev/null 2>&1 while IFS= read LINE do aa=`echo $LINE | awk '{print $1}'` bb=`echo $LINE | awk '{print $2}'` cc=`echo $LINE | awk '{print $3}'` if [[ $aa == "meta" ]]; then sudo symdev -sid $mysid list -noport | grep $bb | grep -v "(M)" | grep -v "WD" | awk '{print $1}' | head -n $cc >> hypers-tmp.txt fi done < cusreq.txt for i in `cat hypers-tmp.txt` do echo $i sudo symdev -sid $mysid show $i | egrep '(Mega|FA |WD|Configuration|RDF|SCSI-3 Persistent| N/A)' echo "" done echo "Proceed y/n: \c" read ans if [ $ans = "n" -o $ans = "N" ]; then echo "elected not to proceed" exit fi # Build meta meta_build.sh > meta_create.txt cat meta_create.txt echo "Proceed y/n: \c" read ans if [ $ans = "n" -o $ans = "N" ]; then echo "elected not to proceed" exit fi sudo symconfigure -sid $mysid -f meta_create.txt preview -noprompt sudo symconfigure -sid $mysid -f meta_create.txt prepare -noprompt sudo symconfigure -sid $mysid -f meta_create.txt commit -noprompt grep "from dev" meta_create.txt | awk '{print $5}' | cut -d, -f1 > hypers.txt for i in `cat hypers.txt` do echo $i sudo symdev -sid $mysid show $i | egrep '(Meta Configuration|MegaBytes|Meta Device Members|RDF|SCSI-3 Persistent)' done The "meta_build.sh" script is called from "gometa.sh". Its job is to form the meta file in preparation for symconfigure. meta_build.sh #!/bin/ksh typeset -i pos typeset -i num typeset -i metacnt typeset -i metamem # Load devices into an array pos=0 for DISKS in `cat hypers-tmp.txt` do (( pos = pos + 1 )) my_dev[$pos]=$DISKS done num=pos pos=1 while IFS= read LINE do metamem=`echo $LINE | awk '{print $2}'` metacnt=1 aa=${my_dev[$pos]} echo "form meta from dev ${aa}, config=striped;" while (( metacnt < metamem )) do (( pos = pos + 1 )) echo "add dev ${my_dev[$pos]} to meta ${aa};" (( metacnt = metacnt + 1 )) done metacnt=1 (( pos = pos + 1 )) done < cusmet.txt See example output. # ./meta_build.sh form meta from dev 0D20, config=striped; add dev 0D21 to meta 0D20; add dev 0D22 to meta 0D20; add dev 0D23 to meta 0D20; add dev 0D24 to meta 0D20; add dev 0D25 to meta 0D20; add dev 0D26 to meta 0D20; add dev 0D27 to meta 0D20; form meta from dev 0D28, config=striped; add dev 0D29 to meta 0D28; add dev 0D2A to meta 0D28; add dev 0D2B to meta 0D28; DMX HYPERThe "gohype.sh" script gets unused hypers. It requires the "cusreq.txt" file that contains type, size, and qty. This script extracts the hyper definitions and selects unused devices from the array. It displays the devices so that you can check attributes. Note, it appends devices to the hypers.txt file, as you may have created metas and the meta head is stored in this file. Ensure your cusreq.txt file exists. # cat cusreq.txt hyper 3375 10 hyper 30713 8 hyper 61425 4 meta 30713 12 gohype.sh #!/bin/ksh while IFS= read LINE do aa=`echo $LINE | awk '{print $1}'` bb=`echo $LINE | awk '{print $2}'` cc=`echo $LINE | awk '{print $3}'` if [[ $aa == "hyper" ]]; then sudo symdev -sid $mysid list -noport | grep $bb | grep -v "(M)" | grep -v "WD" | awk '{print $1}' | head -n $cc >> hypers.txt fi done < cusreq.txt for i in `cat hypers.txt` do echo $i sudo symdev -sid $mysid show $i | egrep '(Mega|FA |WD|Configuration|RDF|SCSI-3 Persistent| N/A)' echo "" done See output from script. # cat hypers.txt 0D20 * meta device (see DMX META) 0D28 * meta device (see DMX META) 1FAE 1FB8 0261 0262 0263 0264 0265 0266 0267 0268 0269 026A 1FBD 1FBE 1FBF 1FC0 1FC1 1FC2 1FC3 1FC4 2571 2572 DMX MAPThis script builds a "mapping file" file using user defined FAs and ports. Ensure your hypers.txt file and hostfa.txt exist. # cat hypers.txt 0D20 0D28 ... # cat hostfa.txt (this host is using 4 FA's) 07b 0 08b 0 09b 0 10b 0 map_file.sh builds a map file from a list on unused addresses. #!/bin/ksh typeset -i cnt # Check each FA has same next starting address. while IFS= read LINE do aa=`echo $LINE | awk '{print $1}'` bb=`echo $LINE | awk '{print $2}'` #cnt=`sudo symcfg -sid $mysid list -fa $aa -p $bb -address -available | grep "Mapped Devices" | awk '{print $3}'` tmp=`sudo symcfg -sid $mysid list -fa $aa -p $bb -address -available | tail -15 | grep AVAILABLE | awk '{print $5}'` cnt=$( printf "%d" 0x${tmp} ) #echo $aa $bb $cnt done < hostfa.txt # Prepare map file for i in `cat hypers.txt` do while IFS= read LINE do aa=`echo $LINE | awk '{print $1}'` bb=`echo $LINE | awk '{print $2}'` hex_representation=$( printf "%X" ${cnt} ) echo "map dev ${i} to dir $aa:$bb, lun=${hex_representation};" done < hostfa.txt (( cnt = cnt + 1 )) done See sample output from script. # ./map_file.sh map dev 0D20 to dir 07b:0, lun=A4; map dev 0D20 to dir 08b:0, lun=A4; map dev 0D20 to dir 09b:0, lun=A4; map dev 0D20 to dir 10b:0, lun=A4; map dev 0D28 to dir 07b:0, lun=A5; map dev 0D28 to dir 08b:0, lun=A5; map dev 0D28 to dir 09b:0, lun=A5; map dev 0D28 to dir 10b:0, lun=A5; DMX MASKA list of scripts used during the MASK procedure. # cat hosts.txt (example) USTPA3IFSVM073 USTPA3IFSVM074 USTPA3IFSVM075 USTPA3IFSVM076 USTPA3IFSVM077 # cat hostfa.txt (this host is using 2 FA's) 10d 1 07d 1 create_vcm.sh to prepare hostvcm.txt file. Requires host logged into FA and VCM DB labeled. #!/bin/ksh for i in `cat hosts.txt` do while IFS= read LINE do myfa=`echo $LINE | awk '{print $1}'` mypt=`echo $LINE | awk '{print $2}'` sudo symmask -sid $mysid -dir $myfa -p $mypt list logins > t.t grep $i t.t | awk '{print $1 "\t" "'$myfa'" "\t" "'$mypt'" "\t" $4 "\t" $3}' done < hostfa.txt done Sample output. 10000000c97428ab 10D 1 HBA0 USTPA3IFSVM073 10000000c97450bb 07D 1 HBA1 USTPA3IFSVM073 10000000c97431ff 07D 1 HBA1 USTPA3IFSVM074 10000000c97e04c1 10D 1 HBA0 USTPA3IFSVM074 10000000c9742bd2 10D 1 HBA0 USTPA3IFSVM075 10000000c9745195 07D 1 HBA1 USTPA3IFSVM075 10000000c97451b8 07D 1 HBA1 USTPA3IFSVM076 10000000c97460c2 10D 1 HBA0 USTPA3IFSVM076 10000000c97450b9 07D 1 HBA1 USTPA3IFSVM077 10000000c97461b3 10D 1 HBA0 USTPA3IFSVM077 mydevs.sh to display devs in comma separated format. #!/bin/ksh mydevs="-" for i in `cat hypers.txt` do if [ $mydevs = "-" ]; then mydevs=$i else mydevs=$mydevs,$i fi done Sample output. 0257,0258,0259,025A,0E18,2412,2413,2414,240E mask_file.sh to create a file used for masking VCM DB. #!/bin/ksh while IFS= read LINE do aa=`echo $LINE | awk '{print $1}'` bb=`echo $LINE | awk '{print $2}'` cc=`echo $LINE | awk '{print $3}'` echo "sudo symmask -sid $mysid -wwn $aa -dir $bb -p $cc add dev $mydevs" echo "sleep 1" done < hostvcm.txt Sample output. sudo symmask -sid 4145 -wwn 10000000c943e6fd -dir 07B -p 0 add dev 0257,0258,0259,025A,0E18,2412,2413,2414,240E sleep 1 sudo symmask -sid 4145 -wwn 10000000c943e64f -dir 07B -p 0 add dev 0257,0258,0259,025A,0E18,2412,2413,2414,240E sleep 1 sudo symmask -sid 4145 -wwn 10000000c943e6fc -dir 10B -p 0 add dev 0257,0258,0259,025A,0E18,2412,2413,2414,240E sleep 1 sudo symmask -sid 4145 -wwn 10000000c943e64e -dir 10B -p 0 add dev 0257,0258,0259,025A,0E18,2412,2413,2414,240E sleep 1 mask_check.sh to confirm matching masking entries on HBAs #!/bin/ksh while IFS= read LINE do aa=`echo $LINE | awk '{print $1}'` cnt=`sudo symmaskdb -sid $mysid -wwn $aa list devs | wc -l` echo $cnt done < hostvcm.txt Sample output. 174 174 174 174 mask_label.sh to label VCM DB. #!/bin/ksh while IFS= read LINE do aa=`echo $LINE | awk '{print $1}'` cnt=`sudo symmaskdb -sid $mysid -wwn $aa list devs | wc -l` echo $cnt done < hostvcm.txt mask_display.sh to display disk information. #!/bin/ksh echo "DevID MB Raid Meta Hex LUN Addresses" for i in `cat hypers.txt` do addr=`sudo symdev -sid $mysid show $i | grep "FA " | awk '{print $9}'` mega=`sudo symdev -sid $mysid show $i | grep "MegaBytes" | awk '{print $3}'` raid=`sudo symdev -sid $mysid show $i | grep "Device Configuration" | awk '{print $4}'` meta=`sudo symdev -sid $mysid show $i | grep "Meta Configuration" | awk '{print $4}'` if [[ $meta != "Striped" ]]; then meta="n/a" fi printf "%-10s %10s %10s %10s %6s %6s %6s %6s\n" $i $mega $raid $meta $addr done Sample output. DevID MB Raid Meta Hex LUN Addresses 0257 3375 2-Way n/a 0A4 0A4 0258 3375 2-Way n/a 0A5 0A5 0259 3375 2-Way n/a 0A6 0A6 025A 3375 2-Way n/a 0A7 0A7 0E18 30713 RAID-5 n/a 0A8 0A8 2412 61425 RAID-5 n/a 0A9 0A9 2413 61425 RAID-5 n/a 0AA 0AA 2414 61425 RAID-5 n/a 0AB 0AB 240E 245700 RAID-5 Striped 0AC 0AC DMX DECOMvcm_remove.sh #!/bin/ksh while IFS= read LINE do aa=`echo $LINE | awk '{print $1}'` bb=`echo $LINE | awk '{print $2}'` cc=`echo $LINE | awk '{print $3}'` echo "sudo symmask -sid $mysid -wwn $aa -dir $bb -p $cc delete -login" done < hostvcm.txt lun_dis.sh #!/bin/ksh for i in `cat hypers.txt` do while IFS= read LINE do aa=`echo $LINE | awk '{print $1}'` bb=`echo $LINE | awk '{print $2}'` echo "sudo symdev -sid $mysid write_disable $i -sa $aa -p $bb -noprompt" echo "sleep 1" done < hostfa.txt done lun_wrt.sh - in case you need to roll back. #!/bin/ksh for i in `cat hypers.txt` do while IFS= read LINE do aa=`echo $LINE | awk '{print $1}'` bb=`echo $LINE | awk '{print $2}'` echo "sudo symdev -sid $mysid rw_enable $i -sa $aa -p $bb -noprompt" echo "sleep 1" done < hostfa.txt done unmap_file.sh #!/bin/ksh typeset -i cnt # Prepare unmap file for i in `cat hypers.txt` do while IFS= read LINE do aa=`echo $LINE | awk '{print $1}'` bb=`echo $LINE | awk '{print $2}'` echo "unmap dev ${i} from dir $aa:$bb;" done < hostfa.txt done SRDF/A CHECKTries to resume from a suspend SRDF/A link. #!/bin/ksh # # SRDF Check: David Spink 03/15/08 # # If SRDF suspended, set to adaptive copy, try resume, and send mail to SAN team. # Switching back to Async mode is not performed by script, by design. # # Log start time cat - << HERE ====SRDF check begin `date` HERE # Check if previous check script is running cd /opt/support/home/sanadmin/srdf_check ps -e | grep srdf_check.sh > /dev/null if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then echo "A previous SRDF script is still running....exiting." /usr/bin/uuencode ./srdf_cron.log ./srdf_cron.log | \ /usr/bin/mailx -s "A previous SRDF check script is still running - open log with wordpad." \ david.r.spink@us.pwc.com exit fi # Check for tranmit idle mysid=1748 myra=1 while (( myra < 3 )) do /usr/local/bin/sudo /usr/symcli/bin/symrdf -sid $mysid -rdfg $myra list | grep "TransIdle" > /dev/null if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then #echo "TRUE" > ./acp_mode.txt echo "SRDF $myra in TransIdle Mode" /usr/bin/uuencode ./srdf_cron.log ./srdf_cron.log | \ /usr/bin/mailx -s "SRDF $myra in TransIdle Mode - open log with wordpad." \ david.r.spink@us.pwc.com exit fi (( myra = myra +1 )) done # Check for any RA group is adaptive copy mode mysid=1748 myra=1 while (( myra < 3 )) do /usr/local/bin/sudo /usr/symcli/bin/symrdf -sid $mysid -rdfg $myra list | grep "C.?" > /dev/null if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then echo "TRUE" > ./acp_mode.txt echo "SRDF $myra in Adaptive Copy Mode" /usr/bin/uuencode ./srdf_cron.log ./srdf_cron.log | \ /usr/bin/mailx -s "SRDF $myra in Adaptive Copy Mode - open log with wordpad." \ david.r.spink@us.pwc.com fi (( myra = myra +1 )) done # Check maintenance flag setting grep TRUE ./acp_mode.txt > /dev/null if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then # If needed unset maintenance flag by editing acp_mode.txt and set value to FALSE. echo "Maintenance flag is set exiting script, check acp_mode.txt" echo "==== end time `date`" /usr/bin/uuencode ./srdf_cron.log ./srdf_cron.log | \ /usr/bin/mailx -s "Maintenance flag is set exiting script, check acp_mode.txt - open \ log with wordpad." david.r.spink@us.pwc.com exit else # Maintenance flag is not set, hence ./acp_mode.txt set to false. echo "Maintenance mode is not active, hence proceeding to check RA groups." fi # Check RA groups for Suspend mysid=1748 myra=1 while (( myra < 3 )) do /usr/local/bin/sudo /usr/symcli/bin/symrdf -sid $mysid -rdfg $myra list | grep Suspend > /dev/null if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then # list devices in log echo "RA $myra Suspend State." # get before picture /usr/local/bin/sudo /usr/symcli/bin/symrdf -sid $mysid -rdfg $myra list echo "Attempting to set RA $myra adaptive copy." /usr/local/bin/sudo /usr/symcli/bin/symrdf -sid $mysid -f ./allr${myra}.txt -rdfg $myra \ set mode acp_disk -noprompt -c 2 -i 120 echo "Attempting to resume RA $myra." /usr/local/bin/sudo /usr/symcli/bin/symrdf -sid $mysid -f ./allr${myra}.txt -rdfg $myra \ resume -noprompt -c 2 -i120 echo "Manually check SRDF and set back to Async mode." # get after picture /usr/local/bin/sudo /usr/symcli/bin/symrdf -sid $mysid -rdfg $myra list echo "SRDF check script is disabled until maintenance flag turned off - see ./acp_mode.txt." echo "TRUE" > ./acp_mode.txt else echo "RA $myra is not suspended." fi (( myra = myra +1 )) done echo "==== end time `date`" # Send email grep TRUE ./acp_mode.txt > /dev/null if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then # Link in adaptive copy or maintenance mode, either way send message /usr/bin/uuencode ./srdf_cron.log ./srdf_cron.log | /usr/bin/mailx -s "SRDF Needs Checking - \ open log with wordpad." david.r.spink@us.pwc.com fi EMC BCV BACKUPPerform a variety of BCV backup operations. #!/bin/ksh # # Script: BCV Backups # # Change: David Spink # Date: May 05, 2004 # Version: 1.3 # REASON : Disabled failure mail notifications and they now form part of netsaint # Added additional helpful descriptions for running the script # # Example: ./bcv_backup.sh -h # # Modules: 0. Test conditions, set variables, call modules # 1. Remesh server vfstab file, create backup file list # 2. Umount BCV file system, if mounted # 3. Check BCV state # 4. Sync BCV & Check status of symmir cmd # 5. Check progress of sync # 6. Put database tablespaces in hot backup(online) mode # 7. Split BCV i.e. no symlocks exist # 8. Remove database tablespaces from hot backup(online) mode # 9. Import Disk Group, Start Volumes, Fsck Volumes # 10. Mount BCV file systems # 11. Backup BCV's # 12. Umount BCV File Systems and Deport Disk Group # #=== Build an array of mount points === # buildMPV() { echo "=== Step 1. Remesh $Server vfstab file ===";echo #move any previous mount point server file to an archive directory mv $WorkDir/server_mnts/$Server.$myDB.include $WorkDir/server_mnts/old/$Server.$myDB.include.${MyDate} 2> /dev/null #archive log files for LOGFILE in `find $WorkDir/logs/* -type d -prune -o -mtime +1 -print` do mv $LOGFILE $WorkDir/logs/old_logs done #set variable attributes cnt=0 #rshell to server and get list of mount points echo "List volume and mount points for disk group on $Server" for MPOINT in `remsh $Server cat /etc/vfstab | grep $VxdGp | awk '{print $3}'` do #increment counter (( cnt = cnt +1 )) #place each mount point into an array of elements my_mpoint[$cnt]=$MPOINT #place corresponding volume into an array of elements my_mvolum[$cnt]=`remsh $Server cat /etc/vfstab | grep " ${my_mpoint[$cnt]} " | awk '{print $1}'` #display the mount points collected echo $cnt"." ${my_mvolum[$cnt]} ${my_mpoint[$cnt]} #make directory on backup server mkdir -p ${my_mpoint[$cnt]} #send the mount points to file, used for backup file list echo ${my_mpoint[$cnt]} >> $WorkDir/server_mnts/$Server.$myDB.include done echo #check if mount point build worked if [ $cnt = "0" ]; then #build list of mount points failed echo "Aborting Backup...remsh failed, or no veritas disk group" exit else #display backup file list echo "Netbackup include file -> $WorkDir/server_mnts/$Server.$myDB.include" cat $WorkDir/server_mnts/$Server.$myDB.include fi echo;echo return } # # === Umount file systems, if mounted === # umountMP() { echo "=== Step 2. Umount BCV file systems, if mounted ===";echo #check for existing bcv mount point # num=0;testm=false testm=false; num=cnt+1 # while (( num < cnt )) while (( num > 1 )) do # (( num = num +1 )) (( num = num -1 )) #for each mount collected in step 1, check to see if it's mounted df -k | grep ${my_mpoint[$num]} if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then #mount points exists, gracefully try to umount the file system umount ${my_mpoint[$num]} if [ $? -eq 1 ]; then #umount failed, find out what process is using mount point echo "Running fuser -cu ${my_mpoint[$num]}" fuser -cu ${my_mpoint[$num]} echo "Aborting Backup...cannot umount BCV mount point" exit else echo "umount ${my_mpoint[$num]} successfull" testm=true fi fi done if [ $testm = "false" ]; then #this means no bcv file system were mounted echo "No file systems were mounted" fi #check if veritas disk group is imported, if so deport vxdg list | grep $VxdGp > /dev/null if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then #stop and deport veritas disk group echo;echo "Stopping and Deporting veritas disk group $VrtDg" vxvol -g $BcvDg stopall vxdg deport $VxdGp if [ $? -eq 1 ]; then #vxdg deport failed echo "Aborting Backup...cannot deport $VxdDg" exit fi fi echo;echo return } # # === Check BCV state === # symmirSTATE() { echo "=== Step 3. Check BCV symmir status ===";echo #Check to see if the BCV disk group is in any other state other than split echo "Check $BcvDg symmir status" $SymDir/symmir -g $BcvDg query | egrep '(Synchronized|SyncInProg)' if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then #there are problems with bcv status echo echo "Aborting Backup...BCV $BcvDg is not split" #echo "Aborting Backup...BCV $BcvDg is not split" | mailx -s "$Location BCV scripts $Server Error" $MyEmail exit else #there aren't any problems with bcv status echo "BCV $BcvDg is not currently being sync'd" fi echo;echo return } # # === Sync BCV === # symmirCMD() { echo "=== Step 4. Performing symmir cmd ===";echo echo "Running $SymDir/symmir -g $BcvDg establish -noprompt -$IncFull" $SymDir/symmir -g $BcvDg establish -noprompt -$IncFull #$SymDir/symmir -g $BcvDg establish -noprompt -force -full sleep 10 echo "Wait 10 seconds, check BCV SyncInProg" $SymDir/symmir -g $BcvDg query | grep SyncInProg if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then #symmir cmd is working echo "BCV $BcvDg symmir is working" else #symmir cmd is not working echo "Aborting Backup...BCV $BcvDg symmir failed." exit fi echo;echo return } # # === Check status of symmir cmd" # symmirCHK() { echo "=== Step 5. Waiting until symmir sync cmd ends ===";echo #wait until symmir cmd completes num=0 while [ $num -eq 0 ] do $SymDir/symmir -g $BcvDg query | grep SyncInProg > /dev/null if [ $? -eq 1 ]; then #sync is complete, show results $SymDir/symmir -g $BcvDg query | grep SyncInProg #sync is complete, set loop exit condition num=1 else #sync is not complete echo "Sync in progress `date`, check interval 2 minutes" sleep 120 fi done echo "" return } # # === Put Tablespaces in Backup Mode === # tblspcBKUP() { echo "=== Step 6. Put Tablespaces in Backup Mode ===" echo "Running alter tablespace backup for $myDB" . /usr/local/bin/ora${myDB} rm -f /tmp/${myDB}.tablespaces # sqlplus -s ${bkupLogin}@${myDB} < EMC OTHERCron Entries 30 05 * * * /opt/san_4145/vcm/vcm_bck.sh > /opt/san_4145/vcm/vcm_bck.log 2>&1 30 23 * * * /opt/san_4145/nar/narget.sh > /opt/san_4145/nar/narget.log 2>&1 30 04 * * * /opt/san_4145/logins/vcm_logins.sh > /opt/san_4145/logins/vcm_logins.log 2>&1 vcm_bck.sh cat vcm_bck.sh #!/bin/ksh # Log start time echo "====VCM Backup Start `date`" cd /opt/san_4145/vcm # myDate=`/usr/bin/date +%Y-%m-%d` # # Perform Backup for i in `cat ./myarray.txt` do mv -f ./${i}_vcm.txt ./history/${i}_vcm.txt.${myDate} 2> /dev/null mv -f ./${i}_vcm.db ./history/${i}_vcm.db.${myDate} 2> /dev/null echo "List database ${i}_vcm.txt" /usr/local/bin/sudo /usr/symcli/bin/symmaskdb -sid $i list database > ${i}_vcm.txt echo "Backup database ${i}_vcm.db" /usr/local/bin/sudo /usr/symcli/bin/symmaskdb -sid $i -file ${i}_vcm.db backup -noprompt done echo "" vcm_logins.sh #!/bin/ksh # Log start time echo "====VCM Logins Start `date`" cd /opt/san_4145/logins # myDate=`/usr/bin/date +%Y-%m-%d` # # Get VCM Logins for i in `cat ./myarray.txt` do mv -f ./${i}_logins.txt ./history/${i}_logins.txt.${myDate} 2> /dev/null echo "List ${i}_logins.txt" /usr/local/bin/sudo /usr/symcli/bin/symmask -sid $i list logins > ${i}_logins.txt done echo "" narget.sh #!/bin/ksh # Log start time echo "====NAR Get Start `date`" cd /opt/san_4145/nar # myDate=`/usr/bin/date +%Y-%m-%d` # Get NAR for i in `cat ./myarray.txt` do echo $i mv ./${i}_spa.nar ./history/${i}_spa.nar.${myDate} 2> /dev/null mv ./${i}_spb.nar ./history/${i}_spb.nar.${myDate} 2> /dev/null /opt/Navisphere/bin/naviseccli -h ${i}_spa analyzer -archiveretrieve -file ${i}_spa.nar /opt/Navisphere/bin/naviseccli -h ${i}_spb analyzer -archiveretrieve -file ${i}_spb.nar done gethost-cx.sh #!/bin/ksh # Log start time echo "====Get CX Hosts" # myDate=`/usr/bin/date +%Y-%m-%d` # Get NAR for i in `cat ./myarray.txt` do echo $i navicli -h ${i}_spa storagegroup -list -host > host_${i}.txt cat host_${i}.txt | grep "Host name:" | awk '{print $3}' | sort | uniq > $1-hostonly.txt done makelun.sh for id in `cat t.txt` do echo $id navicli -h 2311_spa bind r5 ${id}0 -rg ${id} -rc 1 -wc 1 -sp a -sq GB -cap 200 navicli -h 2311_spb bind r5 ${id}1 -rg ${id} -rc 1 -wc 1 -sp b -sq GB -cap 200 navicli -h 2311_spa bind r5 ${id}2 -rg ${id} -rc 1 -wc 1 -sp a -sq GB -cap 100 navicli -h 2311_spb bind r5 ${id}3 -rg ${id} -rc 1 -wc 1 -sp b -sq GB -cap 100 navicli -h 2311_spa bind r5 ${id}4 -rg ${id} -rc 1 -wc 1 -sp a -sq GB -cap 100 navicli -h 2311_spb bind r5 ${id}5 -rg ${id} -rc 1 -wc 1 -sp b -sq GB -cap 100 navicli -h 2311_spa bind r5 ${id}6 -rg ${id} -rc 1 -wc 1 -sp a -sq GB -cap 50 navicli -h 2311_spb bind r5 ${id}7 -rg ${id} -rc 1 -wc 1 -sp b -sq GB -cap 50 navicli -h 2311_spa bind r5 ${id}8 -rg ${id} -rc 1 -wc 1 -sp a -sq GB -cap 50 navicli -h 2311_spb bind r5 ${id}9 -rg ${id} -rc 1 -wc 1 -sp b -sq bv -cap 49248768 done allocated.sh sudo symdev -sid $1 list -FA all | tail +10> t.t x=`cat t.t | cut -c70- | awk '{total += $2 } END { print total }'` (( x = $x / 1024 )) echo $x unallocated.sh sudo symdev -sid $1 list -noport | tail +10> t.t x=`cat t.t | cut -c70- | awk '{total += $2 } END { print total }'` (( x = $x / 1024 )) echo $x EMC SYMLDLoad new devices into sym group. # cat add.txt 0C28 0C29 0E1E 0E1F 0E20 ... z=DEV typeset -i cnt cnt=151 for i in `cat add.txt` do (( cnt = cnt +1 )) a=DEV$cnt #echo "sudo symld -g sapgfstgt add dev $i $a -sid 1748" sudo symld -g sapgfstgt add dev $i $a -sid 1748 done # cat x.x 8D8 8E0 8E4 8E8 8EC 8F0 8F4 8F8 echo "1 000190101384" > yy.txt z=DEV typeset -i cnt cnt=0 for i in `cat t.txt` do (( cnt = cnt +1 )) if (( $cnt < 10 )); then a=DEV00$cnt else if (( $cnt < 100 )); then a=DEV0$cnt else a=DEV$cnt fi fi echo "S $i $a" done WD CHECKCheck if any write disabled devices exist on FA's. #!/bin/ksh # # Device WD Check: David Spink 03/15/08 # # Log start time echo "====WD Check Start `date`" cd /opt/san_mgnt/drs/check # # Check WD on FA Ports for i in `cat ./myarray.txt` do echo "/usr/symcli/bin/symdev -sid $i -SA ALL -P 0 list | grep WD | grep -v VCM" /usr/local/bin/sudo /usr/symcli/bin/symdev -sid $i -SA ALL -P 0 list | grep WD | grep -v VCM if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then /usr/bin/uuencode ./portswd.log ./portswd.log | /usr/bin/mailx -s "WD Disks on $i, Port 0" \ david.r.spink@us.pwc.com else echo "no WD devices" fi # echo "/usr/symcli/bin/symdev -sid $i -SA ALL -P 1 list | grep WD | grep -v VCM" /usr/local/bin/sudo /usr/symcli/bin/symdev -sid $i -SA ALL -P 1 list | grep WD | grep -v VCM if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then /usr/bin/uuencode ./portswd.log ./portswd.log | /usr/bin/mailx -s "WD Disks on $i, Port 1" \ david.r.spink@us.pwc.com else echo "no WD devices" fi done echo "" Crontab entry. # Check array FA ports for write disabled 55 23 * * * /opt/san_mgnt/drs/check/portswd.sh 1>> /opt/san_mgnt/drs/check/portswd.log 2>&1 EMC USEDStorage Management Reports, replaced by Control Centre. This was one of my first scripts when learning KSH.. good memories. #!/bin/ksh # # Author: David Spink Sep 30, 2003 # # Storage Management Report # # Section 1: Declare Variables - site etc. # Section 2: Summary Allocations # Section 3: EMC Summary of Disk Usage # Section 4: DAS Summary of Disk Usage # Section 5: Combined DAS & SAN Summary # Section 6: EMC Spare Allocated Disks # Section 7: EMC Non Allocated Disks # Section 8: EMC Non Allocated BCVs # Section 9: EMC Sym & OS Device ID Configs # # Section 10: EMC SAN Host with breakdown of disk/group allocation ##################################### # Section 0: Check parameters # ##################################### #check that you are user root id | grep root > /dev/null if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then echo "You must be user root to execute $0" exit fi #check parameters are passed if [ $1 != "d1" -a $1 != "d2" ]; then cat - << HERE NAME storage.sh - for reporting on EMC storage allocations and configuration SYNOPSIS storage.sh { d1 | d2 } DESCRIPTION The storage script provides summary allocations per host of EMC storage, shows disk usage for SAN and direct-attached, lists any spare allocated devices, lists any spare non allocated devices, reports on EMC sym device id's and SOLARIS device id's and provides a breakdown on EMC hosts and percentages of disk utilisation. OPTIONS d1 - used for data centre 1, Tampa d2 - used for data centre 2, UK HERE exit fi #################################### # Section 1: Declare Variables # ##################################### if [ $1 = "d1" ]; then SITENAME=Tampa else SITENAME=UK fi SYMSRV=$1pr0009 #symcli server, for UK enter d2pre000 SITE=$1 #replace d1 with d2 SERVER_ALL=servers_nonemc_$1 #file containing all non emc servers SITEVAR=tc #if there are other servers without std d1 or d2 prefix, eg tpahype3, c1pr0001 HYP_SIZ=9 #size of hype HYP_STD=`remsh $SYMSRV /usr/symcli/bin/symdev -nobcv list | grep 8632 | wc -l` #number of STD's HYP_BCV=`remsh $SYMSRV /usr/symcli/bin/symdev -bcv list | grep 8632 | wc -l` #number of BCV's cd /app/emc-scripts ##################################### # Section 2: Summary Allocations # ##################################### cat - << HERE $SITENAME - Storage Report Author: David Spink Date : `date` ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ EMC Equipment Summary ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ HERE remsh $SYMSRV /usr/symcli/bin/symcfg -v list cat - << HERE ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ EMC SAN Summary Allocations ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ No.M1 number of EMC 9Gb (hypers) disks M1 GB amount of EMC disk useable by host in GigaBytes No.BCV number of EMC backup contingency disks BCV GB amount of BCV disk in GigaBytes No.R1 number of R1 replication disks assigned R1 GB amount of R1 disk in GigaBytes Allocated sum of columns, e.g. total allocated M1 (useable disks) for all hosts Un-Allocated how much storage has NOT been assigned via ESN_Manager No.9Gb Hypers sum of hypers allocated & un-allocated - total right column Total Useable sum of useable disk for M1, BCV and R1. Equals "No.9Gb Hypers" * 9Gb Total Raw sum of raw disk for M1(non-mirrored), BCV and R1 FS Vol. 18Gb 1*9Gb (mirrored) hyper is used by EMC internally Hostname No.M1 M1 GB No.BCV BCV GB No.R1 R1 GB Totals HERE # # Get M1 and BCV allocated to each host # for SERVER in `cat ./servers_emc | grep -v "^#" | grep $SITE` do # run symcfg discover to catch any new drives added under veritas control remsh $SERVER /usr/symcli/bin/symcfg discover > /dev/null # count hypers per host M1=`remsh $SERVER /usr/symcli/bin/symdev -nobcv list | grep /dev/vx | grep 8632 | wc -l` # total allocation of M1 storage (( M1GB=$M1 * $HYP_SIZ)) # number of bcvs assigned to host BCV=`remsh $SYMSRV /usr/symcli/bin/symdg list | tail +7 | sed 's/^....//' | sort -n | tail +2 | \ awk '{printf("%-20s %-5s\n", $1, $7) }' | grep $SERVER | awk '{ total += $2 } END { print total }'` # total allocation of BCV storage (( BCVGB=$BCV * $HYP_SIZ )) # number of r1 assigned to host, to keep this simply in version 1 i'm not trying to calc r1s to hosts R1=0 # total allocation of R1 storage (( R1GB=$R1 * $HYP_SIZ )) # print out results printf "%-15s %3s %10s %10s %10s %10s %10s\n" $SERVER $M1 $M1GB $BCV $BCVGB $R1 $R1GB # sum of allocated m1, bcvs, r1s (( SUM_M1=$SUM_M1 + $M1 )) (( SUM_M1GB=$SUM_M1GB + $M1GB )) (( SUM_BCV=$SUM_BCV + $BCV )) (( SUM_BCVGB=$SUM_BCVGB + $BCVGB )) (( SUM_R1=$SUM_R1 + $R1 )) (( SUM_R1GB=$SUM_R1GB + $R1GB )) done # # print sum of allocated m1, bcvs, r1s # echo " --- --- --- --- --- ---" printf "%-15s %3s %13s %7s %13s %7s %13s %10s\n" \ "Allocated" $SUM_M1 $SUM_M1GB" Gb" $SUM_BCV $SUM_BCVGB" Gb" $SUM_R1 $SUM_R1GB" Gb" # # determine number of un-allocated m1s, bcvs and print # (( UN_M1=$HYP_STD - $SUM_M1 )) (( UN_M1GB=$UN_M1 * $HYP_SIZ )) (( UN_BCV=$HYP_BCV - $SUM_BCV )) (( UN_BCVGB=$UN_BCV * $HYP_SIZ )) (( UN_R1=0 - $SUM_R1 )) (( UN_R1GB=$UN_R1 * $HYP_SIZ )) printf "%-15s %3s %13s %7s %13s %7s %13s %10s\n" \ "Un-Allocated" $UN_M1 $UN_M1GB" Gb" $UN_BCV $UN_BCVGB" Gb" $UN_R1 $UN_R1GB" Gb" echo " --- --- --- --- --- ---" # # determine totals for m1s, bcvs and print # (( TOT_M1=$SUM_M1 + $UN_M1 )) (( TOT_M1GB=$SUM_M1GB + $UN_M1GB )) (( TOT_BCV=$SUM_BCV + $UN_BCV )) (( TOT_BCVGB=$SUM_BCVGB + $UN_BCVGB )) (( TOT_R1=$SUM_R1 + $UN_R1 )) (( TOT_R1GB=$TOT_R1 * $HYP_SIZ )) (( TOT_COOK=$TOT_M1GB + $TOT_BCVGB + $TOT_R1GB )) (( TOT_ALLO=$SUM_M1GB + $TOT_BCVGB + $TOT_R1GB )) (( TOT_HYPER=$TOT_M1 + $TOT_BCV + $TOT_R1 )) printf "%-15s %3s %21s %21s %18s %11s\n" "No.9Gb Hypers" $TOT_M1 $TOT_BCV $TOT_R1 "=" $TOT_HYPER" Hypers" if [ $SITE = d1 ]; then printf "%-25s %6s %21s %21s %4s %7s\n" "Total Useable " $TOT_M1GB" Gb" $TOT_BCVGB" Gb" $TOT_R1GB" Gb" "=" $TOT_COOK" Gb" else printf "%-25s %7s %21s %21s %4s %7s\n" "Total Useable " $TOT_M1GB" Gb" $TOT_BCVGB" Gb" $TOT_R1GB" Gb" "=" $TOT_COOK" Gb" fi # # determine raw disk space for m1s, bcvs and print # (( RAW_M1GB=$TOT_M1GB * 2 )) (( TOT_RAW=$RAW_M1GB + $TOT_BCVGB + $TOT_R1GB)) printf "%-25s %7s %21s %21s %4s %7s\n" "Total Raw " $RAW_M1GB" Gb" $TOT_BCVGB" Gb" $TOT_R1GB" Gb" "=" $TOT_RAW" Gb" printf "\n" ####################################### # Section 3: EMC Summary Disk Usage # ####################################### cat - << HERE ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ EMC Summary of Disk Usage ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ EMC is divided into 9Gb Hypers hence the first set of totals show the amount useable. In practice though only 8.4Gb of this 9Gb is useable, hence second set of true totals. The third section show how much is being allocated, amount used and amount available. HERE # # calculate practical EMC disk allocations i.e. 8.4G rather than 9Gb # TOT_EMCM=$(echo "scale=2; $TOT_M1 * 8.40" | bc) TOT_EMCA=$(echo "scale=2; $SUM_M1 * 8.40" | bc) TOT_EMCU=$(echo "scale=2; $UN_M1 * 8.40" | bc) # # calculate disk usage a file system level # for SERVER in `cat ./servers_emc | grep -v "^#" | grep $SITE` do (( ETOT_BYTE=$ETOT_BYTE + `remsh $SERVER df -k | grep /vol* | awk '{ total += $2 } END { print total }'` )) (( ETOT_USED=$ETOT_USED + `remsh $SERVER df -k | grep /vol* | awk '{ total += $3 } END { print total }'` )) (( ETOT_AVAL=$ETOT_AVAL + `remsh $SERVER df -k | grep /vol* | awk '{ total += $4 } END { print total }'` )) done ETOT_BYTE=$(echo "scale=2; $ETOT_BYTE / 1048576" | bc) ETOT_USED=$(echo "scale=2; $ETOT_USED / 1048576" | bc) ETOT_AVAL=$(echo "scale=2; $ETOT_AVAL / 1048576" | bc) TOT_M1GB=$(echo "scale=2; $TOT_M1GB + .00" | bc) SUM_M1GB=$(echo "scale=2; $SUM_M1GB + .00" | bc) UN_M1GB=$(echo "scale=2; $UN_M1GB + .00" | bc) # # print emc summary of disk usage # if [ $SITE = d1 ]; then printf "%-50s %2s %9s\n" "Total EMC disk @9Gb LUNs (theoretical max)" "=" $TOT_M1GB" Gb" printf "%-50s %2s %9s\n" "Total amount of disk allocated @9Gb" "=" $SUM_M1GB" Gb" printf "%-50s %2s %10s\n" "Total amount of disk un-allocated @9Gb" "=" $UN_M1GB" Gb" printf "\n" printf "%-50s %2s %9s\n" "Total EMC disk @8.4Gb LUNS allocated (actual max)" "=" $TOT_EMCM" Gb" printf "%-50s %2s %9s\n" "Total amount of disk allocated @8.4Gb" "=" $TOT_EMCA" Gb" printf "%-50s %2s %10s\n" "Total amount of disk un-allocated @8.4Gb" "=" $TOT_EMCU" Gb" printf "\n" printf "%-50s %2s %9s\n" "Total amount of file system allocated" "=" $ETOT_BYTE" Gb" printf "%-50s %2s %10s\n" "Total amount of file system used" "=" $ETOT_USED" Gb" printf "%-50s %2s %10s\n" "Total amount of file system available" "=" $ETOT_AVAL" Gb" printf "\n" else printf "%-50s %2s %10s\n" "Total EMC disk @9Gb LUNs (theoretical max)" "=" $TOT_M1GB" Gb" printf "%-50s %2s %10s\n" "Total amount of disk allocated @9Gb" "=" $SUM_M1GB" Gb" printf "%-50s %2s %10s\n" "Total amount of disk un-allocated @9Gb" "=" $UN_M1GB" Gb" printf "\n" printf "%-50s %2s %10s\n" "Total EMC disk @8.4Gb LUNS allocated (actual max)" "=" $TOT_EMCM" Gb" printf "%-50s %2s %10s\n" "Total amount of disk allocated @8.4Gb" "=" $TOT_EMCA" Gb" printf "%-50s %2s %10s\n" "Total amount of disk un-allocated @8.4Gb" "=" $TOT_EMCU" Gb" printf "\n" printf "%-50s %2s %10s\n" "Total amount of file system allocated" "=" $ETOT_BYTE" Gb" printf "%-50s %2s %10s\n" "Total amount of file system used" "=" $ETOT_USED" Gb" printf "%-50s %2s %10s\n" "Total amount of file system available" "=" $ETOT_AVAL" Gb" printf "\n" fi ####################################### # Section 4: DAS Summary Disk Usage # ####################################### cat - << HERE ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Direct Attached Storage (non SAN storage) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ This means all storage that is not EMC within the data centre. The scripts excludes EMC disks, /proc /fd /mnttab /var/run /cdrom and any NFS mounts HERE for SERVER in `cat ./$SERVER_ALL | grep -v "^#"` do ping $SERVER > /dev/null 2>&1 if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then (( DTOT_BYTE=$DTOT_BYTE + `remsh $SERVER df -k | sed -f storage.sed | awk '{ total += $2 } END { print total }'` )) (( DTOT_USED=$DTOT_USED + `remsh $SERVER df -k | sed -f storage.sed | awk '{ total += $3 } END { print total }'` )) (( DTOT_AVAL=$DTOT_AVAL + `remsh $SERVER df -k | sed -f storage.sed | awk '{ total += $4 } END { print total }'` )) else echo "Server $SERVER not available" fi done DTOT_BYTE=$(echo "scale=2; $DTOT_BYTE / 1048576" | bc) DTOT_USED=$(echo "scale=2; $DTOT_USED / 1048576" | bc) DTOT_AVAL=$(echo "scale=2; $DTOT_AVAL / 1048576" | bc) printf "%-50s %2s %10s\n" "Total amount of DAS file system allocated" "=" $DTOT_BYTE" Gb" printf "%-50s %2s %10s\n" "Total amount of DAS file system used" "=" $DTOT_USED" Gb" printf "%-50s %2s %10s\n" "Total amount of DAS file system available" "=" $DTOT_AVAL" Gb" printf "\n" ########################################### # Section 5: Combined DAS & SAN Summary # ########################################### cat - << HERE ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Combined DAS (Direct Attached Storage) and SAN (EMC Storage) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ This section totals the EMC and NON-EMC disk for the data centre. HERE TTOT_BYTE=$(echo "scale=2; $ETOT_BYTE + $DTOT_BYTE" | bc ) TTOT_USED=$(echo "scale=2; $ETOT_USED + $DTOT_USED" | bc ) TTOT_AVAL=$(echo "scale=2; $ETOT_AVAL + $DTOT_AVAL" | bc ) if [ $SITE = d1 ]; then printf "%-50s %2s %9s\n" "Total amount of data centre file system allocated" "=" $TTOT_BYTE" Gb" printf "%-50s %2s %10s\n" "Total amount of data centre file system used" "=" $TTOT_USED" Gb" printf "%-50s %2s %9s\n" "Total amount of data centre file system available" "=" $TTOT_AVAL" Gb" printf "\n" else printf "%-50s %2s %9s\n" "Total amount of data centre file system allocated" "=" $TTOT_BYTE" Gb" printf "%-50s %2s %10s\n" "Total amount of data centre file system used" "=" $TTOT_USED" Gb" printf "%-50s %2s %10s\n" "Total amount of data centre file system available" "=" $TTOT_AVAL" Gb" printf "\n" fi ########################################### # Section 6: EMC Spare Allocated Disks # ########################################### cat - << HERE ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ EMC Spare Allocated Standards ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ These are EMC disks allocated to a host and not being used, i.e. free disk pool. Hostname Host DeviceID EMC DeviceID HERE cnt=0 for SERVER in `cat ./servers_emc | grep -v "^#" | grep $SITE` do # exclude disks in dg's, volume logix db and gatekeepers e.g. c3t0d240s2 for DISKFREE in `remsh $SERVER vxdisk list | egrep -v "DEV" | grep " - " | awk '{print $1}'` do aa=`remsh $SERVER /usr/symcli/bin/syminq | grep $DISKFREE | grep rdsk | awk '{print $6}'` if [[ -z $aa ]]; then aa="empty" fi if [ $aa = "8838720" ]; then echo $DISKFREE | grep '^c' > /dev/null 2>&1 if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then (( cnt = cnt + 1 )) STDID=`remsh $SERVER /usr/symcli/bin/syminq 2>&1 | grep /dev/rdsk/$DISKFREE | awk '{print $5}' | cut -c3,4,5` printf "%-15s %10s %18s\n" $SERVER $DISKFREE $STDID fi fi done done echo "Total = $cnt" echo ########################################### # Section 7: EMC Non Allocated Disks # ########################################### cat - << HERE ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ EMC Non Allocated Standards ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ These are spare disks not allocated to any host. These volumes have not been assigned in volume logix. EMC DeviceID Gb Size HERE # lists the devices assigned to the FAs remsh "$SITE"pr0004 /usr/symcli/bin/fpath lssymmdev -d /dev/rdsk/c2t0d0s2 \ | grep " FB" | grep "8.429" | sort | awk '{print $1}' | uniq > /tmp/t1.txt # lists the VCMDB contents remsh "$SITE"pr0004 /usr/symcli/bin/fpath lsdb -d /dev/rdsk/c2t0d0s2 | grep " 0" | sort | uniq > /tmp/t2.txt cnt=0 for DEVID in `cat /tmp/t1.txt` do grep $DEVID /tmp/t2.txt > /dev/null if [ $? -eq 1 ]; then (( cnt = cnt + 1 )) printf "%-15s %2s\n" $DEVID $HYP_SIZ fi done echo "Total = $cnt" echo rm /tmp/t1.txt > /dev/null rm /tmp/t2.txt > /dev/null ########################################### # Section 8: EMC Non Allocated BCVs # ########################################### cat - << HERE ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ EMC Non Allocated BCV's ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ These are spare backup contingency volumes not allocated to any host. These BCV's have not been assigned to any symcli disk group. Disk Device DeviceID HERE remsh $SYMSRV /usr/symcli/bin/symbcv list | grep "^rdmp/" | grep -v + | grep -v - | awk '{print $1, "\t", $2}' cnt=`remsh $SYMSRV /usr/symcli/bin/symbcv list | grep "^rdmp/" | grep -v + | grep -v - | wc -l` echo "Total = $cnt" echo ############################################## # Section 9: EMC Sym & OS Device ID Configs # ############################################## cat - << HERE ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ EMC Disk Configurations ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ This section is for system administrators, removing the complexity of determining EMC disk allocations, to operating disk group, symmetrix disk group and their device ID's. HERE printf "%-10s %-10s %-5s %-8s %-20s %-12s %-5s %-8s %-15s\n" \ "Host" "Host dev" "emcID" "Ldev" "vdskname" "bcv dev" "bcvID" "Ldev" "bcv diskg" for SERVER in `cat ./servers_emc | grep -v "^#" | grep $SITE` do for OSDISK in `remsh $SERVER vxdisk list | egrep -v "DEV" | sort -k 3 -k 2 | awk '{print $1}'` do aa=`remsh $SERVER /usr/symcli/bin/syminq | grep $OSDISK | grep rdsk | awk '{print $6}'` if [[ -z $aa ]]; then aa="empty" fi if [ $aa = "8838720" ]; then STDID="-"; STDDEV="-"; VRTDG="-"; BCVDISK="-"; BCVID="-"; BCVDEV="-"; BCVDG="-" echo $OSDISK | grep '^c' > /dev/null if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then # Get sym device ID based on logical OS disk STDID=`remsh $SERVER /usr/symcli/bin/syminq 2>&1 | grep /dev/rdsk/$OSDISK | awk '{print $5}' | cut -c3,4,5` # Get std logical device name STDDEV=`remsh $SYMSRV /usr/symcli/bin/symdev show $STDID | grep "Device Logical Name" | awk '{print $5}'` if [ "$STDDEV" = "" ];then STDDEV="-" fi # Get veritas disk group name VRTDG=`remsh $SERVER vxdisk list | grep $OSDISK | awk '{print $4}'` if [ "$VRTDG" = "" ];then VRTDG="-" fi # Get bcv matching device BCVID=`remsh $SYMSRV /usr/symcli/bin/symdev show $STDID | grep "Attached BCV Device" | awk '{print $5}'` if [ "$BCVID" = "N/A" ];then BCVID="-" else # Get bcv logical disk name BCVDISK=`remsh $SYMSRV /usr/symcli/bin/symdev show $BCVID | grep "Device Physical Name" \ | awk '{print $5}' | cut -c14-` if [ "$BCVDISK" = "" ];then BCVDISK="-" fi fi # Get bcv device group name BCVDG=`remsh $SYMSRV /usr/symcli/bin/symdev show $STDID | grep "Standard (STD) Device Group Name" | awk '{print $7}'` if [ "$BCVDG" = "" -o "$BCVDG" = "Not/Grouped" ];then BCVDG="-" else # Get bcv logical device name if [ $BCVID != "-" ]; then BCVDEV=`remsh $SYMSRV /usr/symcli/bin/symld -g $BCVDG list | grep $BCVID | awk '{print $1}'` if [ "$BCVDEV" = "N/A" ];then BCVDEV="-" fi fi fi printf "%-10s %-10s %-5s %-8s %-20s %-12s %-5s %-8s %-15s\n" \ $SERVER $OSDISK $STDID $STDDEV $VRTDG $BCVDISK $BCVID $BCVDEV $BCVDG fi fi done printf "\n" done ############################################## # Section 10: EMC SAN Host Disk Group # ############################################## cat - << HERE ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ EMC SAN Disk Group Allocations ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ This section gathers amount of disk allocated, used and available per EMC host Server Disk Group Allocated Used Available %Used HERE for SERVER in `cat ./servers_emc | grep -v "^#" | grep $SITE` do for VXDG in `remsh $SERVER vxdg list | tail +2 | grep -v root | awk '{print $1}'` do (( ETOT_BYTE=`remsh $SERVER df -k | grep /$VXDG | awk '{ total += $2 } END { print total }'` )) (( ETOT_USED=`remsh $SERVER df -k | grep /$VXDG | awk '{ total += $3 } END { print total }'` )) (( ETOT_AVAL=`remsh $SERVER df -k | grep /$VXDG | awk '{ total += $4 } END { print total }'` )) ETOT_PERC=$(echo "scale=2; (($ETOT_USED / $ETOT_BYTE)) * 100" | bc) printf "%-15s %-20s %12s %12s %12s %12s\n" $SERVER $VXDG $ETOT_BYTE $ETOT_USED $ETOT_AVAL $ETOT_PERC done printf "\n" done ############################################## # Section 12: EMC SYM Disk Group # ############################################## remsh $SYMSRV /usr/symcli/bin/symdg list exit NcFTP USERSetup a new NcFTP User. #!/bin/ksh # Author: David Spink # # Date: June 5, 2003 # # Purpose: Create new ncftp FTP user # # How: ./ftpuser.sh "userid" "groupid" "username" "description" # # check that you are root id | grep root > /dev/null if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then echo "You must be user root to execute $0" exit fi # check parameters are passed if [ $# != 4 ]; then echo echo "Usage: $0 arg1 arg2 arg3 arg4" echo echo "Example: $0 3064 3003 huntrefr 'Hunt Refrigeration'" echo echo " 3064 = uid" echo " 3003 = gid" echo " huntrefr = username" echo " Hunt Refrigeration = description " echo exit fi # check uid parameter falls within UID range if [ $1 -le 3000 ]; then echo echo "EDI FTP accounts are greater than 3000" echo "Check Registration User UID.xls" echo exit fi # check uid parameter is not already used grep $1 /etc/passwd > /dev/null if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then echo "UID already exists, please check Registration User UID doc" exit fi # check gid parameter is Lynx if [ $2 -ne 3003 ]; then echo "GID for EDI FTP accounts should be 3003" exit fi # check username is 8 chars or less if [ `echo $3 | wc -c` -gt 9 ]; then echo "Username is longer than 8 chars, please re-enter" exit fi # check username is not too short if [ `echo $3 | wc -c` -lt 4 ]; then echo "Username is to short, please re-enter" fi # add user echo "adding user.." useradd -u $1 -g $2 -d /export/ftp/pubftp/$3 -m -s /bin/ksh -c "$4" $3 # set home directories and permissions echo "setting home directory permissions.." rm /export/ftp/pubftp/$3/local* rm /export/ftp/pubftp/$3/.profile mkdir /export/ftp/pubftp/$3/as2ptnr mkdir /export/ftp/pubftp/$3/ptnr2as chown -R $3:$2 /export/ftp/pubftp/$3 chmod -R 775 /export/ftp/pubftp/$3 # set shell to /etc/ftponly echo "setting shell to ftponly" passmgmt -m -s /etc/ftponly $3 # addvise user for vi /etc/passwd echo "" echo "account is setup - remaining tasks:" echo " a) set passwd" echo " b) perform an ftp test" echo " c) send username, password and output of FTP test to requestor" echo "" NETB RESTOREFor restores first suspend the tape to prevent a backup from writing data onto the tape. Secondly place the media into a pool that won't be ejected during a vault session. The suspend command allows the tape to form part of the scratch pool once the expiration date is reached, whereas a freeze would prevent that from happening. Once the restore is complete move the media into a pool that forms part of vault ejects. The scripts below perform that task. A script is included below the peforms the required functions for moving into a non vault pool. #!/bin/ksh # Author: David Spink # # Date: Aug 02, 2007 # # Purpose: Suspend media prior to restore and move tapes into non eject pool # # How: ./restore_pre.sh "mediaid" # # check that you are root id | grep root > /dev/null if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then echo "You must be user root to execute $0" exit fi # check parameters are passed if [ $# -ne 1 ]; then echo echo "Usage: $0 mediaID" echo echo "Example: $0 713551" echo echo exit fi # check media ID is 6 chars or less, note wc counts EOL hence value set to 7 if [ `echo $1 | wc -c` -gt 7 ]; then echo "Media is longer than 6 chars, please re-enter" exit fi # set variable MEDIA=$1 # suspend media aa=`bpmedialist -L -m $MEDIA | grep "Server Host" | cut -c15-` bpmedia -suspend -m $MEDIA -h $aa # check suspended bpmedialist -h $aa -m $MEDIA | grep SUSPENDED > /dev/null if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then echo "The media status is not suspended, will continue as not show stopper for moving into onsite pool." exit fi # check status is 0x0 vmquery -m $MEDIA | grep '^status: 0x0' > /dev/null if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then echo "The media status is not 0x0, cannot continue" exit fi # get volume pool numbers aa=`vmquery -m $MEDIA | grep "volume pool" | cut -f 2 -d"(" | sed 's/)//'` POOL=$aa # deassign pool to scratch vmquery -deassignbyid $MEDIA $POOL 0x0 # change pool to onsite poolVar=`vmpool -listall -bx | grep onsite | awk '{print $2}'` vmchange -p $poolVar -m $MEDIA # assign aa=`bpmedialist -L -m $MEDIA | grep '^allocated' | cut -f 2 -d"(" | sed 's/)//'` vmquery -assignbyid $MEDIA hcart2 $poolVar 0x0 $aa # echo "The media should now be visible in the onsite pool within NetBackup GUI." echo "The media is suspended meaning no additional backup will ocurr." echo "The onsite pool is not ejected via vault" A script is included below the peforms the required functions for moving out of non vault pool. #!/bin/ksh # Author: David Spink # # Date: Aug 02, 2007 # # Purpose: Remove media from non eject pool to standard eject pool # # How: ./restore_post.sh "mediaid" # # check that you are root id | grep root > /dev/null if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then echo "You must be user root to execute $0" exit fi # check parameters are passed if [ $# -ne 1 ]; then echo echo "Usage: $0 mediaID" echo echo "Example: $0 713551" echo echo exit fi # check media ID is 6 chars or less, note wc counts EOL hence value set to 7 if [ `echo $1 | wc -c` -gt 7 ]; then echo "Media is longer than 6 chars, please re-enter" exit fi # set variable MEDIA=$1 # check suspended, we need to ensure the media is still suspend before moving out of onsite pool aa=`bpmedialist -L -m $MEDIA | grep "Server Host" | cut -c15-` bpmedialist -h $aa -m $MEDIA | grep SUSPENDED > /dev/null if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then echo "The media status is not suspended, cannot continue" exit fi # check status is 0x0 vmquery -m $MEDIA | grep '^status: 0x0' > /dev/null if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then echo "The media status is not 0x0, cannot continue" exit fi # get volume pool numbers aa=`vmquery -m $MEDIA | grep "volume pool" | cut -f 2 -d"(" | sed 's/)//'` POOL=$aa # deassign pool to scratch vmquery -deassignbyid $MEDIA $POOL 0x0 # change pool to one that forms part of vault ejects poolVar=`vmpool -listall -bx | grep "Windows_OS_Full" | awk '{print $2}'` vmchange -p $poolVar -m $MEDIA # assign aa=`bpmedialist -L -m $MEDIA | grep '^allocated' | cut -f 2 -d"(" | sed 's/)//'` vmquery -assignbyid $MEDIA hcart2 $poolVar 0x0 $aa # echo "The media should now be visible in the Windows OS Full pool within NetBackup GUI." echo "The media is still suspended meaning no additional backup will ocurr." echo "The Windows OS Full pool forms part of the Vault process." echo "" ACLs DELETERemove ACL entries from files. #!/bin/sh # # delfacl - delete Solaris ACLs # case $# in 0) echo "Usage: delfacl file ..." exit 1 ;; esac # # loop over arguments # for file in $* do if [ -f $file -o -d $file ]; then /bin/getfacl $file | /bin/egrep '^(user::|group::|mask:|other:)' | /bin/setfacl -f - $file else echo "$file not found" fi done FILE COUNTCount files per directory. #!/bin/sh echo "Get list of directories" find ./ -type d > dirdump.txt echo "For each directory count list of files non-recursive" while IFS= read LINE do bb=$LINE aa=`find "$LINE"/* -type d -prune -o -print | wc -l` cc=`ls -l "$LINE" | awk '{ total += $5 } END { print total }'` echo $aa $cc $bb >> outputTMP.txt done < dirdump.txt cat outputTMP.txt | sort > output.txt rm outputTMP.txt echo "Total number of files..." >> output.txt cat output.txt | awk '{ total += $1 } END { print total }' >> output.txt CLEAN LOGLog file clean up utility. #!/bin/sh # purpose is to clean up logs files myDate=`/usr/bin/date +%Y-%m-%d` myVar1=DHTout.txt myVar2=DHTerr.txt cd /opt/WebSphere/AppServer/logs cp $myVar1 old_logs/${myVar1}.${myDate} cp $myVar2 old_logs/${myVar2}.${myDate} cat /dev/null > $myVar1 cat /dev/null > $myVar2 cd /opt/WebSphere/AppServer/logs/old_logs compress ${myVar1}.${myDate} 2> /dev/null compress ${myVar2}.${myDate} 2> /dev/null unset $myDate unset $myVar1 unset $myVar2 RCP FILERemotely copy a file to a list of servers. #!/bin/sh HME=/export/home/spi0004 for SERVER in `cat ./servers | grep -v "^#"` do echo echo "Processing server $SERVER" rcp -p profile ${SERVER}:${HME}/.profile rcp -p profile_custom ${SERVER}:${HME}/.profile_custom rcp rhosts ${SERVER}:${HME}/.rhosts done Wu-FTP SECUREEnable security for new Wu-FTP user. #!/bin/ksh # For cleaning up accounts that use wu-ftp # Read the username and home directory files into arrays typeset -i cnt cnt=1 for SERVER in `cat usernamEhub.txt` do my_user[$cnt]=$SERVER (( cnt = cnt +1 )) done cnt=1 for SERVER in `cat userdirEhub.txt` do my_dir[$cnt]=$SERVER (( cnt = cnt +1 )) done # Use the contents in the array to cleanup passwd files typeset -i num num=cnt cnt=1 while (( cnt < num )) do echo ${my_user[$cnt]} ${my_dir[$cnt]} cp /etc/passwd ${my_dir[$cnt]}/etc/passwd cp /etc/group ${my_dir[$cnt]}/etc/group cat ${my_dir[$cnt]}/etc/passwd | sed -n -e '/^root/p' -e "/^${my_user[$cnt]}/p" > ${my_dir[$cnt]}/etc/newpasswd mv ${my_dir[$cnt]}/etc/newpasswd ${my_dir[$cnt]}/etc/passwd cat ${my_dir[$cnt]}/etc/group | sed -n -e '/^root/p' -e '/^ehubftp/p' > ${my_dir[$cnt]}/etc/newgroup mv ${my_dir[$cnt]}/etc/newgroup ${my_dir[$cnt]}/etc/group chown -R root:root ${my_dir[$cnt]}/etc ${my_dir[$cnt]}/dev ${my_dir[$cnt]}/usr chmod 111 ${my_dir[$cnt]}/etc ${my_dir[$cnt]}/dev ${my_dir[$cnt]}/usr touch ${my_dir[$cnt]}/.rhosts ${my_dir[$cnt]}/.forward chown root:root ${my_dir[$cnt]}/.rhosts ${my_dir[$cnt]}/.forward chmod 400 ${my_dir[$cnt]}/.rhosts ${my_dir[$cnt]}/.forward chmod 444 ${my_dir[$cnt]}/etc/passwd ${my_dir[$cnt]}/etc/group cat ${my_dir[$cnt]}/etc/passwd ls -l ${my_dir[$cnt]}/.forward ${my_dir[$cnt]}/.rhosts echo "" (( cnt = cnt + 1 )) sleep 1 done NDD INFOSee NDD info. #!/bin/ksh # # ndd.sh # PATH=/usr/sbin:$PATH if [ -z "$1" ]; then echo "Usage: $0 [udp | tcp | ip | icmp | arp | ... ]" exit fi ndd /dev/$1 '?' | nawk -v c="ndd /dev/$1" ' /write/ { split($0,a,/[ \t(]/); n=c t " " a[1]; printf "echo %s = ",a[1]; printf "`%s`\n",n; }' | sh RSYNCUse Rsync for DR. #!/usr/bin/ksh # # Script: ehubdr_sync_call.sh # # Date: 07 Jul, 2005 # # Called: from root cron # # Purpose: Sync directories from d2pr0007 to d1ua0003 for Ehub DR # # Set environment cd /app/drsync myDate=`/usr/bin/date +%Y-%m-%d` LOG=output.${myDate}.log ERRORLOG=error.${myDate}.log # Move old logs files mv output.*.log ./logs > /dev/null 2>&1 mv error.*.log ./logs > /dev/null 2>&1 # Set logging exec >> $LOG 2> $ERRORLOG # Rsync /app/cpships echo "Sync d2pr0007:/app/cpships to d1ua0003:/app/cpships" /usr/local/bin/rsync -avz --rsync-path=/usr/local/bin/rsync --exclude backup/ --progress /app/cpships d1ua0003:/app/ehubdr # Rsync /app/mercator echo "Sync d2pr0007:/app/mercator tp d1ua0003:/app/mercator" /usr/local/bin/rsync -avz --rsync-path=/usr/local/bin/rsync --progress /app/mercator d1ua0003:/app/ehubdr VXDG ADD DISKSPlace disks into Veritas disk group. # Before running create disk group # Example of disks contained in diskfile.txt - c1t0d43 # Example of output - sapdg01=c1t0d43 typeset -i cnt cnt=0 for i in `cat diskfile.txt` do # configure disk for VxVM use /usr/lib/vxvm/bin/vxdisksetup -i $i format=sliced #set name if [ $cnt -lt 10 ];then xx=sapdg0${cnt} else xx=sapdg${cnt} fi (( cnt = cnt +1 )) # add disk to a disk group vxdg -g d1ua0002-sapdg adddisk $xx=$i echo $xx=$i done KSH SYNTAXArithmetric. (( x = 24 + 25 )) ;result 49 (( x = 100 - 25 )) ;result 75 (( x = 4 * 5 )) ;result 20 (( x = 10 / 3 )) ;result 3 (( x = 10 % 3 )) ;result 1 Numeric. (( num1 == num2 )) (( num1 != num2 )) (( num1 < num2 )) (( num1 > num2 )) (( num1 <= num2 )) (( num1 >= num2 )) Strings. [[ str1 == str2 ]] [[ str1 != str2 ]] [[ str1 == pattern ]] [[ str1 != pattern ]] [[ str1 < str2 ]] [[ str1 > str2 ]] [[ -z str1 ]] ;str1 has length zero [[ -n str1 ]] ;str1 has nonsero length (contains one or more chars) Variables. mv $filename $filenameX ;shell thinks these are both legal variables mv $filename ${filename}X ;delimit end of variable name by enclosing in { } rcp -p profile ${SERVER}:${HME}/.profile ;example rcp -p profile_custom ${SERVER}:${HME}/.profile_custom Using Arrays. ARRAY typeset -i cnt cnt=1 for SERVER in `cat usernamEhub.txt` do my_user[$cnt]=$SERVER (( cnt = cnt +1 )) done Command Line Parameters. $0 ;script name $1 ;value of first argument $2 ;value of second argument ${10},{11} ;value of tenth argument $# ;number of arguments passed to the script $* ;value of all command-line arguments File Owner. [ -r file ] ;can file be read by user [ -w file ] ;can file be altered by user [ -x file ] ;can file be executed by user [ -O file ] ;is the file owned by effective user ID of this process [ -G file ] ;if the file group the effective group ID of this process [ -u file ] ;does file have suid set [ -g file ] ;does file have guid set [ -k file ] ;does file have sticky bit set [ -f file ] ;regular file? [ -d file ] ;directory? [ -c file ] ;char file? [ -b file ] ;block special file? [ -p file ] ;is the file a named pipe? [ -S file ] ;is the file a socket? [ -L file ] ;is the file a symlink? [ -s file ] ;does file exist and have size greater than 0 [ -e file ] ;does the file exist IF statement examples. if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then ;condition true if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then ;condition false if [ $# != 4 ]; then ;not equal if [ $2 -ne 3003 ]; then ;not equal if [ 5 != 2 -a 3 != 4 ] ;not equal if [ $dummy != "y" -o $dummy != "Y" ];then ;if either first or second expression is true if [ $LOGNAME = "doracle" ] || [ $NODE = "dd2pr0008" ] ;if either first or second expression is true if [ $3 -lt 1000 ]; then ;less than if [ $1 -le 3000 ]; then ;less than equal if [ $3 -gt 9 ]; then ;greater than if [ -f createq$4.scp ]; then ;file exists Regular Expressions. / ... / ;look for three chars surrounded by /^the/ ;find the line that starts with the s/^/>>/ ;insert at beginning of the line contents$ ;matches only if at end of the line [tT]he ;find the or The $s/[aeiouAEIOU]//g ;delete all vowel words /[0-9]/ ;find a line containing a digit /^[A-Z]/ ;find a line starting with an upper case letter X* ;in regular expression this means zero or more occurrences of preceding char XX* ;same as X* in that matches zero or more occurrences of preceding char s/ */ /g ;change multiple blanks to single blanks .* ;zero or more occurences of any chars X\{1,10\} ;matches from 1 to 10 occurences of X [A-Za-z]\{4,7\} ;matches sequence of alphabetic letters four to seven chars long [A-Za-z]\{7\} ;matches sequence of alphabetic letters seven chars long s/^.\{10\}// ;delete the first 10 chars from the line s/^.\{10\}$// ;delete the last 10 chars from the line s/[a-zA-Z]\{6,\}/X/g ;change words at least 6 letters long to X s/\(.*\) \(.*\)/\2 \1/ ;switch the two fields Shell MetaChars.