San Francisco

dave spink toolset




To replicate a host from CLARiiON to DMX pool. You first need to gather host CX HLU/ALU pairs.

# navicli -h $myspa storagegroup -list -gname $mysg 
  HLU Number     ALU Number
  ----------     ----------
    0               1008
    1               103
    2               201
    3               210
    4               204

See list of existing devices in RPA storage group.

# navicli -h $myspa storagegroup -list -gname RPC1_RPA_1_2_3_SG
 HLU Number     ALU Number
  ----------     ----------
    0               2410

Add LUNs into RPA storage group.

# navicli -h $myspa storagegroup -addhlu -gname RPC1_RPA_1_2_3_SG -hlu 1 -alu 1008
# navicli -h $myspa storagegroup -addhlu -gname RPC1_RPA_1_2_3_SG -hlu 2 -alu 103
# navicli -h $myspa storagegroup -addhlu -gname RPC1_RPA_1_2_3_SG -hlu 3 -alu 201
# navicli -h $myspa storagegroup -addhlu -gname RPC1_RPA_1_2_3_SG -hlu 4 -alu 210
# navicli -h $myspa storagegroup -addhlu -gname RPC1_RPA_1_2_3_SG -hlu 5 -alu 204

Get block size on CX LUN.

# navicli -h $myspa getlun 1008 | grep Blocks
LUN Capacity(Blocks):       104857600

Build TDEVs file, the CX Block Size / 1917.873 equals required TDEV Block Size.

# cat tdev_src.txt
create dev count=1, size=54674 cyl, emulation=FBA, config=TDEV, preallocate size=54674 cyl, binding to pool = FIBRE_1997_1;
create dev count=4, size=21870 cyl, emulation=FBA, config=TDEV, preallocate size=21870 cyl, binding to pool = FIBRE_1997_1;

Configure TDEVs.

# symconfigure -sid $mysid -f tdev_srv.txt preview
# symconfigure ....

Map and Mask TDEVs to remote RPA; see my DMX GORUN script to automated that task.

Configure RPA for replication. See the Recovery Point Tasks for setting up replication.


This procedure shows you how to stop an active RecoverPoint replication and mount the file systems on the remote site.

Review server source file system and disk information.

# vxdisk -o alldgs -e list
emcpower20s2 auto:cdsdisk    RPC1_test01  RPC1_test    online
emcpower21s2 auto:cdsdisk    RPC1_test02  RPC1_test    online

# syminq | egrep '20c|21c'
/dev/rdsk/emcpower20c        DGC       RAID 5       0326 7E000010    104857600
/dev/rdsk/emcpower21c        DGC       RAID 5       0326 9C000015    104857600

Confirm those source LUNs in RecoverPoint i.e. LUN 126 (7E) and 156 (9C).

TDC_RPC1> get_group_volumes group=UXNBPR18_CG
TDC_RPC1> get_volume_states group=UXNBPR18_CG
TDC_RPC1> get_group_state group=UXNBPR18_CG
    Enabled: YES
    Transfer source: UXNBPR18_TPA
        Enabled: YES
        Active RPA: RPA 2
        Data Transfer: ACTIVE
        Sync mode: NO
        Storage access: N/A
        Enabled: YES
        Active RPA: RPA 2
        Sync mode:N/A
        Storage access: DIRECT ACCESS (marking data)

On source server umount file system.

# umount /opt/san_2153  

RecoverPoint tasks to create bookmark, enable image access and allow remote host direct access.

TDC_RPC1> bookmark_image group=UXNBPR18_CG bookmark=cutover
TDC_RPC1> enable_image_access group=UXNBPR18_CG copy=UXNBPR101_GDC image=cutover
TDC_RPC1> get_group_state group=UXNBPR18_CG
    Enabled: YES
    Transfer source: UXNBPR18_TPA
        Enabled: YES
        Active RPA: RPA 2
        Data Transfer: ACTIVE
        Sync mode: NO
        Accessed image:
          Time: Fri Mar  5 16:00:21.389055 2010
          Bookmark: cutover
        Storage access: N/A
        Enabled: YES
        Active RPA: RPA 2
        Sync mode:N/A
        Storage access: DIRECT ACCESS (marking data)

TDC_RPC1> set_image_access_mode group=UXNBPR18_CG copy=UXNBPR101_GDC mode=direct
    Enabled: YES
    Transfer source:N/A
        Enabled: YES
        Active RPA: RPA 2
        Sync mode:N/A
        Storage access: N/A
        Enabled: YES
        Active RPA: RPA 2
        Sync mode:N/A
        Storage access: DIRECT ACCESS (marking data)

Mask targets LUNs to host.

tgt# syminq | egrep '1BEA|1BEC' | grep emcpower
tgt# sudo symmask -sid $mysid -wwn 10000000c98f3519 -dir 07B -p 0 add dev 1BEA,1BEC
tgt# sudo symmask -sid $mysid -wwn 10000000c98f372f -dir 10B -p 0 add dev 1BEA,1BEC
tgt# sudo symmask -sid $mysid refresh

On target server confirm disks are visible to OS.

# sudo symdev -sid $mysid show 1BEA | grep FA
# sudo symdev -sid $mysid show 1BEC | grep FA
# cfgadm -o show_FCP_dev -al 
# sudo symcfg -sid $mysid -FA all list | egrep 'FA-7B|FA-10B'
# cfgadm -o show_FCP_dev -al | egrep ',93|,94'
# syminq | egrep '1BEA|1BEC' 

Get PP to see disks.

# powermt display
# powercf -q
# powermt config
# powermt save
# syminq | egrep '1BEA|1BEC' | grep emcpower
/dev/rdsk/emcpower29c              M(2)   EMC       SYMMETRIX    5773 9701BEC008  104974080
/dev/rdsk/emcpower30c              M(2)   EMC       SYMMETRIX    5773 9701BEA008  104974080

Using emcpower29 as an example, update the Solaris disk label. (repeat for each PP device)

# echo | format | grep emcpower29
  128. emcpower29c DGC-RAID5-0326 cyl 51198 alt 2 hd 256 sec 16

See current label.

# powerformat /dev/rdsk/emcpower29c
Inquiry: "EMC     " "SYMMETRIX       " "5773"
VTOC: "DGC-RAID5-0326 cyl 51198 alt 2 hd 256 sec 16"

See proposed change.

# powerformat -g /dev/rdsk/emcpower29c
VTOC (before): "DGC-RAID5-0326 cyl 51198 alt 2 hd 256 sec 16"
VTOC (after): "EMC-SYMMETRIX-5773 cyl 51254 alt 2 hd 256 sec 16"

Execute changes.

# powerformat -xg /dev/rdsk/emcpower29c
VTOC (before): "DGC-RAID5-0326 cyl 51198 alt 2 hd 256 sec 16"
VTOC (after): "EMC-SYMMETRIX-5773 cyl 51254 alt 2 hd 256 sec 16"

# echo | format | grep emcpower29c
128. emcpower29c EMC-SYMMETRIX-5773 cyl 51254 alt 2 hd 256 sec 16

Veritas Import and Start File System (Example).

# vxdisk -o alldgs -e list

# vxdctl enable
.....may need to wait a few minutes

# vxdisk -o alldgs -e list
DEVICE       TYPE      DISK         GROUP        STATUS       OS_NATIVE_NAME   
emcpower29s2 auto      -            (RPC1_test)  online       emcpower29c  -
emcpower30s2 auto      -            (RPC1_test)  online       emcpower30c  -

# vxdg -C import RPC1_test

# vxdisk list
emcpower29s2 auto:cdsdisk    RPC1_test02  RPC1_test    online
emcpower30s2 auto:cdsdisk    RPC1_test01  RPC1_test    online

# vxrecover -b -s -g RPC1_test	

# vxvol -g RPC1_test start vol01

# fsck -F vxfs -o full,nolog -y /dev/vx/dsk/RPC1_test/vol01

# mount -F vxfs /dev/vx/dsk/RPC1_test/vol01 /mytest2

Confirm data is there.

# ls -l /mytest2 | grep testfile
-rw------T   1 dspink001 other    107374182400 Jan 21 16:15 testfile
-rw-------   1 dspink001 other    104857600 Feb 12 14:48 testfile2


Undo Veritas.

# umount /mytest2
# vxdisk -o alldgs -e list
# vxvol -g RPC1_test stop vol01
# vxedit -g RPC1_test -rf rm vol01
# vxdg -g RPC1_test rmdisk RPC1_test01
# vxdisk list
# vxdisk rm emcpowerXXs2
# vxdg destroy RPC1_test
# vxdisk rm emcpowerXXs2

Undo PP.

# powermt remove dev=emcpower29a 
# powermt remove dev=emcpower30a
# powermt save
# powermt check

Undo SAN

# sudo symmask -sid $mysid -wwn 10000000c98f3519 -dir 07B -p 0 remove dev 1BEA,1BEC
# sudo symmask -sid $mysid -wwn 10000000c98f372f -dir 10B -p 0 remove dev 1BEA,1BEC
# symmask -sid $mysid refresh
# powermt config
# powermt check
# powermt save
# powermt display

Undo OS.

# devfsadm -Cv
# syminq | egrep '1BEA|1BEC'


Log Collection - connect to the appliance itself.

ssh boxmgmt@ 

** Main Menu **
[1] Installation
[2] Setup
[3] Diagnostics
[4] Cluster operations
[5] Shutdown / Reboot operations
[Q] Quit

** Diagnostics **
[1] IP diagnostics
[2] Fibre Channel diagnostics
[3] Synchronization diagnostics
[4] Collect system information
[B] Back
[Q] Quit

Enter the date from which to start collecting information (MM/dd/yyyy) (Default '05/15/2010'): 
Enter the time from which to start collecting information (HH:mm:ss) (Default '15:55:52'): 12:55:00
Enter the date at which to stop collecting information (MM/dd/yyyy) (Default '05/15/2010'): 
Enter the time at which to stop collecting information (HH:mm:ss) (Default '19:55:52'): 
Do you want to copy the output file to a remote FTP server (y/n)? n
Do you want to include core files in the collection process (y/n)? n
Do you want to include both sites in the collection process (y/n)? n
1. Collect system information from RPAs only
2. Collect system information from splitters only
3. Collect system information from RPAs and splitters
Select the system information that you want to include in the collection process (1 to 3): 1

When prompted, login as user webdownload with the password webdownload


Detect bottlenecks.

# ssh admin@tdc_rpc2
TDC_RPC2> detect_bottlenecks
Enter mode (select one from the list)
1) System overview and bottleneck analysis
2) Detection of initialization periods
3) Detection of high load periods
4) General detection including initialization and high load periods with peak writing analysis
5) Advanced and detailed general detection
6) Peak writing analysis
Select, or press 'ENTER': 4

Enter earliest time, or press 'ENTER' for the earliest time available
(Format: HH:MM [DD/MM/YYYY]  OR  wks/days/hrs/mins ago)

Enter latest time, or press 'ENTER' for the latest time available
(Format: HH:MM [DD/MM/YYYY]  OR  wks/days/hrs/mins ago)

Do you want advanced overview? (default is NO)
1) yes
2) no
Select, or press 'ENTER': 

Do you want detailed overview? (default is NO)
1) yes
2) no
Select, or press 'ENTER': 

Enter peak_duration(secs/mins/hrs),e.g I/O peaks (default is 5mins)

Enter group name(s), separated by ',' if more than one  (default is all groups)

Warning: This operation may take a long time. Do you want to continue (yes/no)? [default is 'yes'] 

Site statistics.

# ssh admin@tdc_rpc1

TDC_RPC1> get_system_statistics
Enter site name, or press 'ENTER' for both sites

Do you want summarized site statistics (as opposed to full box statistics)? (default is no)
1) yes
2) no
Select, or press 'ENTER': 1

RPA statistics: None
Site statistics: 
      SAN: 0 bps
      WAN: 21576 bps
    Application (writes): 0
    Compression: 0
      SAN: 11 Mbps
      WAN: 3 Mbps
    Application (writes): 114
    Compression: 6.56443


ssh admin@tdc_rpc1 save_settings > backup_rpc1.txt ;backup the RecoverPoint repository volume
ssh admin@tdc_rpc1 < backup_rpc1.txtemcpreg -check key ;restore the RecoverPoint repository volume
detect_bottlenecks ;used to troubleshoot performance
get_system_statistics ;see rpa stats
export_statistics ;export stats view via browser